Regulation of pay of Central and State Service Officers appointed as Under and Deputy Secretaries to the Government of India
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
(Department of Expenditure)
New Delhi, 19th June, 1962
Subject :- Regulation of pay of Central and State Service Officers appointed as Under and Deputy Secretaries to the Government of India.
The undersigned is directed to refer to para 4 of this Ministry’s Office Memorandum No.F.3(38)-E.III/60 dated the 11th October, 1960 regarding the regulation of pay of a Central Service, Class I officer holding the post of Under/Deputy Secretary to the Government of India after the promulgation of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1960.
2. At the time of issue of these orders the scales of pay of the Indian Administrative Service had not been revised and unlike the Central scales of pay which included an element of dearness allowance the I.A.S scales carried dearness allowance separately.
3. Orders have since been issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs revising the scales of pay of the Indian Administrative Service. The revised junior and senior scales of pay of the Indian Administrative Service which will be effective from the 1st April 1960 are as under :-
Junior time-scale- Rs. 400-400-500-40-700-EB-30-1000
Senior time-scale Rs.900 (6th year or under)-50-1000-60-1600-50-1800
The revised scales do not carry any dearness allowance in addition
4. Consequent on the revision of the scales of pay of the Indian Administrative Service, the President is pleased to decide that with effect from the 1st April 1960, in the case of Central Service, Class I officer drawing pay in the revised scales of pay applicable to his parent Services and appointed as Under/Deputy Secretary to the Government of India, the restriction contained in Notes (2) and (3) below para 1 of this Ministry’s Office Memorandum No.F.3(26)-Est.III/57 dated the 4th September 1957 shall be operative with reference to the revised scales of pay of Indian Administrative Service, i.e. the pay in the revised scales of Indian Administrative Service plus special pay that would be admissible in the post of Under/Deputy secretary to an I.A.S officer of corresponding seniority/length of service shall be taken into account for operating the restriction.
5. The special pay of Central Service Class I officers who were holding the posts of Under/Deputy Secretaries to the Government of India on 1st April 1960 and such of those who were appointed to these posts after that date may be refixed in accordance with the provisions of these orders.
(Rabi Ray)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India.
Statement showing the designation and scale of pay of such of the posts in the Ministry of works, housing and supply (Department of Rehabilitation) as are common to the posts in other Ministries and Departments of the Government of India.
S.No |
Name of the Post |
Scale |
Ministries / Depets where the post exists |
1. |
Stenographer |
130-5-160-8-200-EB-8-256-EB-8-280-10-300 |
Categories of posts common to all or many departments of the government of India |
2. |
Upper Division Clerk |
-do- |
3. |
Lower Division Clerk |
110-3-131-4-155-EB-4-175-5-180 |
4. |
Steno-Typist |
110-3-131-4-155-EB-4-175-5-180 plus Spl Pay of Rs.20/- |
5. |
Staff Car Driver |
110-3-131-4-139 |
6. |
Peon |
70-1-80-Eb-1-85 |
7. |
Chookidar |
-do- |
8. |
Frash |
-do- |
9. |
Sweeper |
-do- |
10. |
Daftry |
95-3-110 |
11. |
Jamadar |
-do- |
12. |
Khalasi |
-do- |
13. |
Statistical Asstt. |
210-10-290-15-320-EB-15-425 |
i) Deptt. Of Community Development ii) National Sample Survey. |
14. |
Senior Accountant |
270-15-435-EB-20-575 |
i) P&T Deptt. ii) Directorate of Estates. |
15. |
Superintendent |
350-20-450-25-475 |
i) Geological Survey of India ii) Indian Bureau of Mines. iii) D.G.S & D iv) Zoological Survey of India. |
16. |
Telephone Operator |
110-3-131-4-155-EB-4-175-5-180 |
i) Iron & Steel Controller, Calcutta. ii) Coal Controller’s Organisation. |
17. |
Head Clerk |
210-10-290-15-320-EB-15-380 |
i) Coal Controller’s Organisation ii) National Institute of Basic Education iii) Delhi Polytechnic |
18. |
Stenographer |
210-10-290-15-320-EB-15-425 |
i) P.M’s Sectt ii) National Institute of Audiovisual Education N.Delhi |
19. |
Accountant |
130-5-160-8-200-EB-8-256-EB-8-280-10-300 |
i) Geoligical Survey of India |
20. |
Accountant |
180-10-290-EB-15-380-EB-15-440 |
i) Directorate of Estates. |
21. |
Rent Collector |
110-3-131-4-155-EB-4-175-5-180 |
-do- |
22. |
Cashier |
130-5-160-8-200-EB-8-256-EB-8-280-10-300 |
i) Gentral Institute of Education. |
23. |
Accountant |
168-8-256-EB-8-280-10-300 |
i) National Savings Commissioner. |
24. |
Senior Accountant/Accountant |
210-10-290-15-320-EB-15-425 |
i) National Sample Survey |
25. |
Surveyor |
110-4-150-EB-4-170-5-180-EB-5-200 |
i) C.P.W.D |
26. |
Draftsman III |
-do- |
-do- |
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