Regulation of initial pay under F.R.22-C on promotion or appointment to a higher post – anomalies arising out of the orders implementing the recommendations of the Pay Commission – Removal of

Regulation of initial pay under F.R.22-C on promotion or appointment to a higher post – anomalies arising out of the orders implementing the recommendations of the Pay Commission – Removal of


Government of India

Ministry of Finance

Department of Expenditure

 New Delhi-2, the 29th August, 1968


 Subject:- Regulation of initial pay under F.R.22-C on promotion or appointment to a higher post – anomalies arising out of the orders implementing the recommendations of the Pay Commission – Removal of –

 The undersigned is directed to refer to item No.3 of the annexure to this Ministry’s Office Memorandum No.F.2(10)-E.III/62  dated the 1st December, 1964 on the subject mentioned above and to state that the following may be substituted under item No.13.



Whether the benefit under this Ministry’s Office Memorandum dated the 6th March 1962 can be extended
i)To an officer promoted prior to 1.4.1961 but confirmed  prior to the promotion of his junior after 1.4.1961 and who draws a lower rate of pay than his junior in the higher post, the other conditions set out in the said Office Memorandum having been satisfied.


ii) To a senior holding a substantive appointment in the lower grade, appointed substantively to the higher grade before 1.4.1961 vis-à-vis a junior substantive in the lower grade and also appointed substantively to the higher grade after 1.4.1961 and


iii) To a senior substantive in the lower grade, appointed substantively to the higher grade before 1.4.1961 vis-à-vis the junior substantive in the lower grade promoted to the higher grade after 1.4.1961 in an officiating capacity

 2. This clarification takes effect from the 1st April, 1961 and past cases decided otherwise may be reopened by the Administrative Ministries/Departments concerned and pay refixed accordingly. No arrears will, however, be paid for the period prior to the date of issue of those orders,


( V. Doraiswamy)

Deputy Secretary to the Government of India.

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