Fixation of pay officers of the Established Central Services (E.C.S. – Class I) who are promoted to the Senior Scale after 1.7.1959 but before 2.8.60

Fixation of pay officers of the Established Central Services (E.C.S. – Class I) who are promoted to the Senior Scale after 1.7.1959 but before 2.8.60

No .F.12(16)-Est.(Spl.)/60
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
(Department Of Expenditure)

New Delhi-2, the 1st Dec. 1961


Subject:- Fixation of pay officers of the Established Central Services (E.C.S. – Class I) who are promoted to the Senior Scale after 1.7.1959 but before 2.8.60.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the Ministry of Finance Office Memorandum No .F.12(16)-Est(Spl)/60, dated the 14th November, 1961 regarding the application of the revised scales to persons appointed to posts after 1.7.1959. According to these orders, pay will be allowed only in the revised scales but the difference between the emoluments (i.e., basic pay will be allowed only in the revised scales will be treated as personal pay to be absorbed in future increase in pay.

2.In the following Established Central Services – Class I,

(a) Indian Audit and Accounts Service

(b) Indian Customs Service

(c) Indian Income-tax Service

(d) Central Excise Service

(e) Indian Postal Service

(f) Indian Defence Accounts Service.

the existing junior scale of Rs.350-350-380-380-30-590-EB-30-770-40-850 and the senior scale of Rs.600-40-1000-1000-1050-1100-1100-1150 have been replaced by a single composite scale of Rs.400-400-450-30-510-EB-700-40-1100-/ 50/2-1250. In the existing scales also, the senior and junior scales formed a composite scale, the pay in the senior scale being regulated with reference to pay in the junior scale.

3.The President is, therefore, pleased to decide that in partial modification of this Ministry’s Office Memorandum No .F.12(16)-Est(Spl)60, dated this 14th November, 1961 the pay of members of above mentioned services who have been promoted to the senior scale (Rs.600-1150) between 1.7.59 and 2.8.60 should be fixed on the date of their promotion in the revised integrated scale of Rs.400-1250 at the stage which is equal to their emoluments in the existing senior scale of Rs.600-1150 (basic pay plus dearness allowance) and if there is not such stage at the next lower stage, the difference being treated as personal pay to be absorbed in future increased in pay. The next dates of increments of such officers will remain unaltered.

4.This concession will be admissible only to officers who drew emoluments (i.e. pay plus dearness allowance) not lower than Rs.700 on their promotion to the senior scale of Rs.600-1150.


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