Fixation of pay of re-employed pensioners – General policy thereof
NEW DELHI-2, the 1st November, 1961.
Subject:- Fixation of pay of re-employed pensioners – General policy thereof.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the Ministry’s Office Memorandum No.8(34)-Est.III/57, dated 25th November, 1958, on the subject noted above, and to say that a question has been raised whether in all cases of re-employment while issuing the sanction for fixation of pay it would suffice if the gross amount of pay as calculated under para 1(b) of the Office Memorandum quoted above is indicated and the necessary adjustments under paragraph 1(c) of that Office Memorandum if necessary, being left to Audit Pay & Accounts Officers concerned to make. The point has been examined in consultation with the Comptrollers and Auditor General and the following procedure may be adopted in future,
2.In the case of re-employment of pensioners under Central Government (Civil)m whether it is in gazetted, non-gazetted or Class IV Service, the competent authority is to indicate the pay of a re-employed officer.
For the correct determination of pay of Government servants re-employed in Central Government (Civil) Departments under this Ministry’s Office Memorandum No.8(34)-Est.III/57 dated 25th November, 1958, competent authorities should obtain the following information in respect of all officers viz. Gazetted, non-gazetted officers and Class IV, from the Audit Pay & Accounts Officers who reported on the title to pension etc.
(i) Post held substantively on the date of retirement and substantive pay in that post together with scale of pay.
(ii) Other post, if any, held in an officiating capacity on the date of retirement and officiating pay drawn in the post together with scale of pay.
(iii) In the case of (ii) the dates of actual officiation.
iv(a) Special pay, personal pay, and deputation allowance, if any, drawn on the date of retirement and the period for which it was drawn continuously.
(b) The portion counted as emolument for pension should be indicated.
(c) In the case of special pay, drawn in a substantive post whether it is a part of the prescribed scale of that post and included in the relevant pay schedules.
v) Gross pension, including amount commuted, particulars of Pension Payment Order, to be quoted.
vi) Death-cum-Retirement or other gratuity and pension equivalent thereof.
vii) Government contribution to the Contributory Provident Fund with interest and the pension equivalent thereof the Contributory Provident Fund Account Number previously allotted and the particulars of the authority issued by the previous Audit/Pay & Accounts Officer.
3.Competent authorities after getting the above information should fix the re-employed pay of the officers under the provisions of Ministry of Finance O.M. dated 25th Nov., 1958 and communicate the same in the sanction letter to the Audit/Pay & Accounts officers. In addition to the above, competent authorities may give the following additional information to the Audit/P & A/Cs. Officer. Particulars of equivalent/higher posts held by the re-employed Government servant which are taken into account for giving a higher starting salary under para I(b) of this Ministry’s O.M. dated 25th May, 1958.
Post. Scale of pay From to
4.In so far as the staff of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders are issued in consultation with the Comptroller and Audit General.
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