Fixation of pay of Grade I officers of-the Central Secretariate Service, promoted to the Selection Grade

Fixation of pay of Grade I officers of-the Central Secretariate Service, promoted to the Selection Grade

Government of India.
Ministry of Finance.
(Department of Expenditure)

New Delhi, dated the 31st May 1974


Subject;Fixation of pay of Grade I officers of-the Central Secretariate Service, promoted to the Selection Grade.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, 0.M.No.F.4(19)-E.III/61 dated 23-1-1962, on the subject mentioned above, and to say that a question has been raised whether the method-of fixation of pay as laid down therein may be continued to be adopted even after -the revision of the scales of pay of Grade I of C.S.S. to Jfe.1200-50-1600 and for Selection Grade to 1500-60-1800-100-2000 w.e.f. 1.1.1973, on the basis of the recommendations of the 3rd Pay-Commission,

2.The President is pleased to decide that the existing practice regarding the-regulation of pay of Grade I officers of the- Centre Secretariat Service (Under Secretary) on first promotion to the Selection Grade of that Service (Deputy Secretary) on the basis of the minimum increase of Rs.150/- over the pay drawn as Grade I officer (Under Secretary) may be continued, and the pay shall be fixed at the higher of the following-‘ two amounts, namely:-

(i) the minimum of the time-scale of the Selection Grade; and

(ii) the stage in the time-scale of the Selection Grade equal to the pay of the officer in Grade I plus, Rs.l50/- or, if there is no such stage, at the next higher stage.

3.The President is also pleased to decide that in the case of officers officiating in the Selection Grade, on an enhancement of their substantive pay in Grade I of the C.S.S. as a result of increment or otherwise, the officialing pay of the officers in the Selection Grade shall be refixed in accordance with the above provisions if such a refixation is to their advantage.

4. These orders will be effective from 1.1.1973.

(B.s. NIM)
Under Secretary t.o the Government of India.


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