Fixation of pay of a person whose pay was reduced as a disciplinary measure, under the Central Civil Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947
Government of India.
Ministry of Finance.
New Delhi, the 4th June, 1949
Subject:- Fixation of pay of a person whose pay was reduced as a disciplinary measure, under the Central Civil Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947.
A question has been raised as to how the pay of a government servant who is, on account of misconduct or inefficiency, temporarily reduced to a lower stage in his existing scale, should be fixed under the Central Civil Services (Revision of Pay), 1947, if the reduction was operative on the date from which the individual concerned elects the prescribed scale. The Governor General has been pleased to decide that in such cases, the pay should be fixed in the prescribed scale on the basis of the reduced pay with effect from the date from the election is made, and on the date from which the Government servant would have been restored to the unreduced pay in the existing scale, he should be allowed the pay he would have drawn in the prescribed scale but for the reduction.
2. The above procedure will also apply in the case of government servants who were temporarily reduced to a lower grade or post on account of misconduct or inefficiency and the reduction was operative on the dates from which they elected the prescribed scales.
3. Further, the above procedure will also apply in the case of Government servants who were held up at the efficiency bar or at any stage of existing scale for not passing the requisite departmental examination without affecting their future increments and the withholding of increments was operative on the dates from which they elected the prescribed scales.
4. The pay of Government servants concerned may be re-fixed under paragraphs 1-3 above. If any overpayments have been made under the existing orders, the recovery of the amounts overdrawn before the issue of this Memorandum will be waived.
(B.L. Batraj)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India.
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