Fixation of pay in the revised scales of pay of employees who were appointed as fresh recruits on or after 1.1.96 with advance increments in the pre-revised scales
F.NO: 1920-E.III-A /98
Government of India/Bharat Sarkar
Ministry of Finance/Vitta Mantralaya
Department of Expendinture/Vyay Vibhag
New Delhi, the 30th November, 1998
Subject:Fixation of pay in the revised scales of pay of employees who were appointed as fresh recruits on or after 1.1.96 with advance increments in the pre-revised scales.
The undersigned is directed to say that the question regarding fixation of pay in the revised scales effective from 1.1.96.In cae of a Govt.servant appointed in the pre-revised scales of pay with advance incremetns on or after 1.1.96, has been under consideration of the Government for
some time.It is held that there is no justificatioin to take into acccount the advance increments granted in the pre-revised scale of pay while fixing the pay in teh revised scales.The reason being that the UPSC/Selection Board/Selection Commitgtee which granted the advance increments did not take
into account the increase while determining the revised scales of pay.Otherwise also in granting advance increment(s) the intention of UPSC/Selection Committee is to seccure a specific emoluments and these emoluments are necessary to be protected while fixing the pay in the revised
scales.Accordingly the President has now been pleased to decide that wherever a Govt. servant has initially been appointed with advance increment(s) in the pre-revised scale of pay, he shall be fixed at the minimum of the revised scale of pay without any advance increment(s).However, if the
existing emoluments (viz. pay with advance increments in the pre-revised scale plus dearness allowance appropriate to that pay at index Level 1510 plus amount of 1st and 2nd installments of Interim Relief) is in excess of the pay fixed in the revised scale, the difference shall be allowed as
personal pay to be absorbed in future increments in pay.
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
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