Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1960 pay. fixation of pay of certain Officials in All India Radio under the
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
(Department of Expenditure)
New Delhi-2, dated the 15th February, 1961.
Shri Hot Chand,
Under Secretary to the Government of India.
The Accountant General,
Uttar Pradesh, Post Box No. 15,
The Accountant General,
Madras, Madras.18
Subjects- Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1960 pay. fixation of pay of certain Officials in All India Radio under the
I am directed to refer to your letter No.G.A.7/AIR/15305/ G. 3.CIII. 1877 dated the 24th January, 1961/dated the 25th January, 1961, regarding the fixation of pay of Assistant Directors, Assistant Station Engineers, Assistant Station Directors in the revised scales of pay, and to say that the essential condition for the applicability of clause (iii) of sub-rule (i) of rule 10 of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1960, is that the posts for which a single revised scale is prescribed should have been grouped together as a common category by the Pay Commission for the purpose of evolving a common scale, e.g., the categories of class III Supervisory grades, Stenographers in non-Secretariat Offices, Staff Car Drivers and workshop staff. The revised scale for each of these categories has been evolved from two or more separate scales. The benefit of this clause would not be permissible if different categories of staff carrying different existing scales now happen to carry identical revised scales. As the posts of Assistant Station Directors, Assistant Station Engineers and Assistant Director (Programme) have not been grouped together by the Commission as common categories for evolving a common scale, their pay in the revised scale should be fixed in accordance with Rule 10(1) (i) and not rule 10(1) (iii)
Yours faithfully,
Under Secretary to the Government of India.
Source: http://finmin.nic.in/the_ministry/dept_expenditure/notification/payfixation/15-02-1961.pdf
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