Anomalies as a result of application of orders contained in the Ministry’s O.M.No.F.1(9)-E.III (A)/74 dated 23-3-74

Anomalies as a result of application of orders contained in the Ministry’s O.M.No.F.1(9)-E.III (A)/74 dated 23-3-74

Government of India.
Ministry of finance.
(Department of Expenditure)

New delhi , dated the 6th January 1975


Subject:- Anomalies as a result of application of orders contained in the Ministry’s O.M.No.F.1(9)-E.III (A)/74 dated 23-3-74

The understand is directed to invite a reference to this Ministry’s O.M.montionad above which permits the fixation of pay under FR 22-0 in respect of employee drawing maximum of the scale in the lower post on promotion to higher post with reference to notational pay arrived at after adding one increment above the maximum of the lower scals(equivalent to the amount of the last increment in that scale) with effect from 1-11-73.these orders were issued on the basis of recommandations of third pay communication.

2. It has been brought to the notice of this Ministry that issue of the aforesaid orders has regulated in an anomaly to the effect that seniors promoted before 1-11-73 are getting less pay than of their Juniors promoted to the same post on or after 1-11-73.

3. In orders to remove the above anomally , the President is pleased to decide that in such cares , the pay of the senior officer should be stepped up to a figure equal to the pay as fixed for the Junior officer promoted to the same post on or after 1-11-73. The stopping up should be done with effort from the date of promotion of the Junior officer and should be subject to the following conditions:-

(a) Both the junior and senior officers should belong to the same cadre and the Posts in which they have been promoted should be identical and in the same Order.

(b) The scales of pay of the lower and higher posts in which they are entitled to Draw pay should be identical;and

(c) The anomaly should be directly as a result of application of orders contained In this Ministry O.M.No.F.1(9)-E.III9a0/74 dated 23-3-74.

4.The orders re-fixing the pay of the senior officer in accordance with the aforesaid decision should be issued under FR.27 and the next increment of the senior officer will be drawn on completion of the required qualifying service with effect from the date of re-fixation of pay.The arrears of pay as a result of re-fixation of pay would be admissible. From the date the pay of the senior person is stepped up.

5. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Departments are concerned, these orders are issued in consultation with the controller and Auditor General of India.

Deputy secretary to the Government of India.


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