Thoughts about retirement age 58-Must read it

Thoughts about retirement age 58-Must read it

Thoughts about retirement age 58-Must read it
Thoughts about retirement age 58-Must read it

Some days ago, we published a post titled “Can Early Retirement Solve Unemployment Problem?” We had cited a popular newspaper article indicating a possibility of reducing the retirement age of central government’s employees from 60 to 58. We received many comments on the post. We sincerely thank our readers for sharing their valuable views. 




I like 60 58


It is not a solution to fill the eager ness of youth by fiilluping the vacant posts as it is if implemetd and vacancis created or available .

Just think the finacial status of the staff of age run 58 to 60 and their plans to do repaymt of loans marriages education etc

better to watch and keeping an eye on neglesim and slow motion of office run and activate the staff with latest technology and keep profits with freqnt analysis and taking suitable remidiable action to avoid loss and expentire contros

we voted b j p for happy run the familys of all not only genl public but also the staff of all wings conduct all exams as transparent and fill the gunine vacancies as merit basis without favaoursm So keep age limit for all staff as 60 and drive the govt as profit ways by keeping the same age and cultivate the neglesm to get fruitful results by b j p

Thank u sir sbhaskar rao tirupathi



These is the good decision sir

Bbhanwar singh

Dear, when court is declared decision they also give the opportunity to defend but modi govt. Taking harsh decision to reduce retirement age 60 to 58. Whitch is not in favour of employees as wel as government or public also. In indian railway previously 16 lakh employees now about 12 lakhs .the soulution of unemployment is not only reduction in retirement age only.if govt. Will set a policy for fitment/ medically or mently that will be beneficial to all. When modi sir u are 61 years old man can run india why govt. Employees not work in their reconsider the case otherwise after 2019 no more further no experience staff will available 


Plz rduce retirement age to 58 and increase the employment for young people


Thanks to mr prime minister who is keen to generate more opportunities to unemployed people. But it will be a very fatal idea to reduce the retirement age limit to the employees who are on the verge of superannuation because they neither are mentally prepared nor financially planned. There are many liabilities on the shoulders of such employees; mainly many of them are to finish the home loans; wards education; their marriages etc. If this idea comes up; many of them may face hardship.

If at all mr pm wants to give opportunities to the unemployed or to come up with financial crisis they should wisely find out some other way or should be awarded with an optional vrs choice so that those who do not have liabilities shall happily quit voulentarily.

I shall remain thankful for kind consideration.


Please don’t do my brother condition is not good and my family is depending my father income so its not gud plan mr.modi i requested u my parents are worried for family plan its not gud n we r not agree


When world over retirement age is increased to 65 years why than modi wants 58 years.suddently if you decrease than many people will suffer.

M.a.nimal raj

By reducing the retirement age from 60 to 58. What will happen ? Only thing is the employers will suffer a lot because they would have plan for their financial expenses for their family. By studies, marriages & many financial problems. By taking loans or by borrowing money because of knowing that their retirement is 60. But now it reduced to 58 what they would do. And if they retired what job they will get after retirement. Because anyway they should run their family. And by this reducing the retirement age they will suffer a lot.. So its not a good plan

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