Fixation of pay on appointment from one ex-cadre post to another ex-cadre post.

Fixation of pay on appointment from one ex-cadre post to another ex-cadre post.


No. E(P & A)-II/2004/PP-9

New Delhi, dated /11/2014.

The General Manager,
All Indian Railways/Production Units.

Sub.: Fixation of pay on appointment from one ex-cadre post to another ex-cadre post.

Ref.: PNM AIRF Item No. 8/2008.

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen have raised the issue regarding fixation of pay on appointment from one ex-cadre post to another ex-cadre post. The issue was discussed in the PNM Meeting and it has been decided to re-iterate the provisions of para 4 of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-85/PP-24 dated 31-12-1985 in this respect. Para 4 of Board’s letter No. E(P&A)-II-85/PP-24 dated 31/12/1985 states as follows:

“The matter has been carefully considered and the President is pleased to decide that on appointment to a second or subsequent ex-cadre post in a higher pay scale than that of the previous ex-cadre post, the pay may be fixed with reference to the pay drawn in the cadre post and if the pay so fixed happens to be less than the pay drawn in the previous ex-cadre post, the difference may be allowed as personal pay to be absorbed in future increases in pay. This is subject to the condition that on both the occasions the employee should have opted to draw pay in the scales of pay attached to the ex-cadre posts”.

Therefore, it is re-iterated that instructions contained in Board’s letter dated 31/12/1985 and as further clarified from one ex-cadre post to another ex-cadre post.

The above has consent of Finance Dte. of Railway Board.

(K. Shankar)
Director, E(P&A),
Railway Board


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