Swachch Bharat Mission – Cleanliness Pledge reg – Attendance will be voluntary on the occasion.
All India Railwaymen’s Federation
(Estd, 1924)
4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi – 110055
Dated: September 29, 2014
The Secretary,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Swachh Bharat Mission – Taking of “Swachhata Shapath”
Ref.: Board’s letter No.20I4/G/SBM dated 29.09.2014
We are surprised with the circular issued from your good office, wherein you have mentioned that all the administrative offices will be remained open on 2nd October, 2014, for taking “Swachhata Shapath”. Though we fully support Swachh Bharat Mission, but we disagree with this circular because 2nd October is a National Holiday, and many of the staff have already planned along with their children for outing. Moreover, Ashtami and Navmi are on 2nd October when many people use to perform “Pooja” and forcing the staff to attend the Shapath on 2nd October will be against the religious sentiments.
It is pertinent to mention here that, in Bengal everybody knows that nowadays it is festive season and lots of people are against these orders of the Ministry of Railways and Government of India.
I do hope, you will issue an amendment to this letter, making it the said ShapathVoluntary, so that the employees who are not in a position to attend the same are not forced to do so, otherwise it will be detrimental to noble cause, for which Hon’ble Prime Minister has sponsored this mission.
Yours faithfully,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary
“Swachch Bharat Mission” – Cleanliness Pledge reg.
No.E(G)/2014/CL 4-4
New Delhi, dated 1.10.14
The General Managers/Equivalents
All Indian Railways
Directors/Training Institutes
CMDs of Railway PSUs
Sub: “Swachch Bharat Mission” – Cleanliness Pledge reg.
Further reference to letter of even number dated 29.9.14, all the offices shall remain open at the Headquarters, Regional/Zonal/Field Offices/Workshops, Attached/Subordinate Offices and Autonomous Bodies etc. on 2.10.14 in the forenoon to take Cleanliness Pledge and to carry out voluntary cleaning drive of their offices premises both inside and outside.
The whole exercise is to promote the Cleanliness Campaign and is to be carried out voluntarily. It is, however, clarified that 2nd October, 2014 being a National Holiday and attendance being voluntary, payment of National Holiday allowance etc. shall not be payable.
However, the officers and staff should be encouraged to participate in the exercise.
Secretary, Railway Board
Source: AIRF
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