Ground floor accommodation to the applicants with disabilities

Ground floor accommodation to the applicants with disabilities

No. 12035/2/97.Pol II(Vol III)
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates

Nirman Bhavan,
New Delhi — 110 108.

Dated the 7 October, 2014


Sub: Guidelines for discretionary out of turn allotments of general pool residential accommodation in Delhi — allotment of ground floor residential accommodation to the applicants with disabilities under discretionary quota on medical grounds.

The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Personnel and Training O M.No.36O35/3/2013.Es(Res) dated 31.3.2014 and to say that it has been decided by the competent authority that preferably ground floor accommodation will be allotted to the applicants with disabilities under the discretionary allotments on out of turn basis on medical grounds as per the extant guidelines of the Directorate of Estates issued vide No.12035/2/97 Pol(pt) dated 17.11.1997.

(Roop Lal)

Deputy Director of Estates



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