Filling up of balance vacancies of Under Secretary/Section Officer/Assistant/UDC/Cashier on deputation basis in the Seventh Central Pay Commission
F. No.7CPC/2/Staff Mobilisation/2014 [Pt.]
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
(Seventh Central Pay Commission)
NEW DELHI – 110 016
Dated the 23rd September, 2014
The Secretary
All Ministries/Departments
Government of India
Subject: Filling up of balance vacancies of Under Secretary/Section Officer/Assistant/UDC/Cashier on deputation basis in the Seventh Central Pay Commission
I am directed to state that applications are invited for the following posts in the O/o Seventh Central Pay Commission to be filled up on deputation basis from the eligible candidates working in Ministries/Departments of the Central Government and Autonomous Organizations following Central Government Rules/norms/procedures/pay scales, etc.
i. Under Secretary in the Pay Scale of PB – 3 (Rs.15600-39100/- + GP Rs.6600/-) (6 posts)
ii. Section Officer in the Pay Scale of PB – 2 (Rs.9300-34800/- + GP Rs.5400/-) (5 posts)
iii. Assistant in the Pay Scale of PB – 2 (Rs.9300-34800/- + GP Rs.4600/-) (1 post)
iv. UDC/Cashier in the Pay Scale of PB – 1 (Rs.5200-20200/- + GP Rs.2400/-) (1 post)
2. These posts will be filled up only on deputation basis. The details of qualifications and experience required for the posts are given below. The terms & conditions and pay & allowances of the officers selected for appointment on deputation basis will be governed as per the provisions contained in Government of India. DoP&T O.M. No.6/08/2009-Estt (Pay. II) dated 17.06.2010, as amended from time to time.
(i) For Under Secretary : Officers under Central Government and Autonomous Organizations following Central Government Rules/norms/procedures/pay scales, etc. holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent Cadre/Department or having four years regular service in PB-3 Rs.15600-39100/- + GP Rs.5400/- in the parent Cadre/Department or having five years regular service in the post in PB-2 Rs.9300-34800/- + GP Rs.4800/- in the parent Cadre/Department and possessing knowledge of secretarial practices, rules and regulations and practical experience of their application in the Central Government Ministry/Department/Autonomous Organizations and also having experience in Establishment. Administration, Finance/Vigilance matters.
(ii) For Section Officer : Officers under Central Government and Autonomous Organizations following Central Government Rules/norms/procedures/pay scales, etc. holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent Cadre/Department or having two years regular service in PB-2 Rs.9300-34800/- + GP Rs.4800/- in the parent Cadre/Department or having four years regular service in the post in PB-2 Rs.9300-34800/- + GP Rs.4600/- in the parent Cadre/Department and possessing knowledge of secretarial practices, rules and regulations and practical experience of their application in the Central Government Ministry/Department/Autonomous Organizations and also having experience in Establishment. Administration, Finance/Vigilance matters.
(iii) For Assistant : Officers under Central Government and Autonomous Organizations following Central Government Rules/norms/procedures/pay scales, etc, holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent Cadre/Department or having five years regular service in PB-1 Rs.5200-20200/- + GP Rs.2400/- in the parent Cadre/Department and possessing knowledge of secretarial practices, rules and regulations and practical experience of their application in the Central Government Ministry/Department/Autonomous Organizations and also having experience in Establishment, Administration, Finance/Vigilance matters.
(iv) For UDC/Cashier : Officers under Central Government and Autonomous Organizations following Central Government Rules/norms/procedures/pay scales, etc, holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent Cadre/Department or having four years regular service in PB-1 Rs.5200-20200/- + GP Rs.1900/- in the parent Cadre/Department and possessing knowledge of Cash & Accounts and budget work, as also practical experience of their application in the Central Government Ministry/Department/Autonomous Organizations.
3. The Officers should not have crossed the age of 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of application. Applications of eligible and willing officers may be forwarded in the enclosed Annexure through proper channel, to Director (Admn.), Seventh Central Pay Commission, Chatrapati Shivaji Bhawan, B-14/A, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi – 110016 within 15 days of the date of publication of this Advertisement. Applications not forwarded through proper channel will not be considered.
4. While forwarding the application in the prescribed format, the following documents may also be sent along with the application –
i. CR Dossier/Attested copies of the ACRs/APAR of the applicant for the last five years;
ii. Cadre clearance, clearance from vigilance and disciplinary angle, statement giving details of major or minor penalties, if any, imposed on the officer during the last ten years;
iii. A certificate that in the event of selection, the officer would be relieved to join the duties of the post.
5. The candidate who are selected for the post will not be allowed to withdraw their candidature subsequently.
Yours faithfully,
(Yashashri Shukla)
Director (Admn.)
Tel : 26517092
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