Software (E-PPO utility) for processing pension cases.

Software (E-PPO utility) for processing pension cases.


NEW DELHI-110066
PHONES : 26174596, 26174456, 26174428

CPAO/Tech/e-PPO/2014-15/179-214 30.07.2014

Office Memorandum

Subject: Software (E-PPO utility) for processing pension cases.

Attention is invited to CPAO’s Office Memorandum of even number 73 dated 17th June, 2014 regarding uploading of e-PPOs on CPAO’s website simultaneously with the submission of hard copy of PPO to CPAO by the Pay and Accounts Offices. The process of generating the text file and uploading the same on CPAO’s website has already been made available vide this office OM dated 3rd June, 2013. These OMs are viewable at CPAO’s website at the link “Government Orders-→ By Authority→CPAO circular/orders”.

The latest analysis of progress in the implementation of E-PPO for the month of July 2014 is not satisfactory and reveals that the Pay and Accounts Offices are still either not uploading the data on CPAO’s website or not uploading the same simultaneously with the submission of hard copy of PPO to CPAO.A copy of the latest report is enclosed herewith.

The E-PPO is meant for replacement of manual process by the electronic one. The Pay and Accounts Offices are already well versed with the processing of pension cases in COMPACT. Uploading of E-PPOs on CPAO’s website is just one step forward by generating a text file and uploading the same on CPAO’s website. Absence of hundred per cent uploading of PPOs or late submission from their and defeats the purpose of this project of utilizing the e-data for construction of pensioners’ database at CPAO. Undoubtedly the hundred per cent uploading by Pay and Accounts Offices will go a long way in the implementation of E-PPO project which is one of the commitments of CPAO to provide faster and speedy delivery services to the pensioners.

Therefore, all Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs (with independent charge) are once again requested to review the status of uploading of E-PPo by their Pay and Accounts Offices at their level and instruct all concerned for strict compliance. Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs can see the CPAOs Website for uploaded position in respect of their PAOs from next month onwards.

Encl: – As above

(Suman Bala)
Chief Controller (Pensions)


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