Engagement of Contact Medical Practitioners (CMPs) including Dental Surgeons – Revised terms and conditions

Engagement of Contact Medical Practitioners (CMPs) including Dental Surgeons – Revised terms and conditions



No. 2013/E(GR)II/1/5

Rail Bhavan, New Delhi-110001

Dated: 20.05.2014
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways &
Production Units.

Sub: Engagement of Contact Medical Practitioners (CMPs) including Dental Surgeons – Revised terms and conditions.

The detailed instructions/guidelines for engagement of Contract Medical Practitioners (CMPs) are laid-down in Railway Board’s letter no. 96/E(GR)II/9/16 dated 23.02.2000 and amended from time to time. The instructions cover selection proceedings, conditions of private practice, age limit for full time CMPs, recovery of HRA/licence fee in case railway accommodation is provided to CMPs, terms of engagement, validity of delegation powers to General Manager and the rate of remuneration etc.

2. Ministry of Railways have reviewed the above instructions and in partial modification of the existing instructions, it has now been decided to revise the instructions as per the following:-

(i) The validity of the scheme of engagement of Contract Medical Practitioners is enhanced for a period of 3 years from 13.01.2015. The last instructions for extension of validity of delegation of powers to General Managers was issued vide Board’s letter no. 2012/E(GR)II/1/4 dated 18.12.2013.

(ii) Within the validity of the scheme as per (i) above, the number of terms of engagement of a CMP is enhanced from the present 8 terms to 10 terms on year to year basis with each terms of engagement not being more than 1 year each.

(iii) At present retired IRMS officers are engaged for 2 terms upto the age of 65 years as per instructions issued vide Board’s letter no. 2008/E(GR)II/1/1 dated 16.7.2012. The same has now been reviewed and it has been decided to raise the number of terms from present TWO to FIVE subject to the age limit as 65 years.

(iv) It has now been decided to engage retired Government Medical Officers of State Government and Central Government also as Contract Medical Practitioners (CMPs) subject to the condition that pay plus pension should not be more than the last pay drawn with the same terms and conditions as per Board’s instructions dated 16.07.2012.

(v) On the basis of the recommendation of the 6th Central Pay Commission, a special duty allowance is admissible @ 12.5% of the basic pay to those employees who are drafted to serve in the North Eastern Region of N.F. Railway on tenure basis. On the basis, as an incentive, the CMPs engaged on N.F. Railway will be eligible for an extra remuneration of 12.5%. This special duty allowance will be given only to CMPs posted in the Northeast region of the N.F. Railway CMPs posted west of Rangia and Rangia will be excluded.

3. All other terms and conditions as laid down in Railway Board’s letter No. 96/E(GR)II/9/16 dated 23.2.2000 as amended from time to time shall remain unchanged.
4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
5. Receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged.

(Mamta Kandwal)
Director, Estt.(Gaz)
Railway Board



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