100% Deduction for Uttarakhand Relief Fund U/S 80G

100% Deduction for Uttarakhand Relief Fund U/S 80G

As we all know, Uttarakhand, the land of the Gods, was devastated by a massive and furious flood in 2013. Almost a year has passed by but still the fear and grief caused by the incident is very fresh.

We request you to help the people of Uttarakhand by sending generous relief funds. We extend our heartfelt sympathies for the people of Uttarakhand and pray for all those, who lost their loved ones in the unfortunate incident.

For its part, the all Indian body of Indian Revenue Service Association has offered 100% deduction under section 80G for the money spent towards Uttarakhand relief fund. We sincerely appreciate this move and hope it will attract more relief funds. This 100% deduction is made available as per section 80G (2) (iiihf) of the Income Act.

Read more-http://www.incometaxindia.gov.in/archive/uttarakhand-disaster-relief-15-07-2014.pdf

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