Submission of memorandum to 7th CPC – Schedule of Group Discussion for different Cadres in Railways.
All India Railwaymen’s Federation
(Estd. 1924)
4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi-110055
AIRF/405(VII CPC) Dated: June 2, 2014
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Coms.,
Reg.: Submission of memorandum to 7th CPC
Ref.: Secretary, VII CPC’s D.O. letter No.7 CPC/19/Memorandum/12 dated 29.04.2014
Please refer to our earlier letter dated 8th May, 2014 on the above subject, followed by letter dated 16th May, 2014.
As already communicated, it has been decided to hold Group Discussions to finalize the major issues related to various categories of Railwaymen, so as to incorporate the same in the comprehensive memorandum to be submitted to 7th CPC in conformity of Terms of Reference thereof.
The under-noted time-table has been fixed for holding Group Discussions, Department and Category-wise:-
26.06.2014 |
Commercial |
SMs/ASMs, Yard Staff, Traffic Controllers, Traffic Running Staff, Trains Clerks & Traffic Inspectors
Coaching Clerks, Goods Clerks, Ticket Checking Staff, E&RCs, Catering Staff, Commercial Inspectors
27.06.2014 |
Technical Supervisors and Technicians and Supporting Staff(in GP Rs. 1800) of all departments (i.e. Mechanical, Electrical & S&T), including Workshops, CMT, Drawing & Design
28.06.2014 |
All Civil Engineering Staff of P.Way Works, Bridge & Track Machine & Horticulture
29.06.2014 |
Running Staff(both Loco & Traffic), including Supervisors
08.07.2014 |
Ministerial Staff(including Personnel Inspectors, Staff & Welfare Inspectors, Stenographers, Typists, Law Assistants), Accounts Staff(including Cash & Pay) and the Staff of IT Cadre
09.07.2014 |
Medical Staff of all categories and the staff of Stores Department
10.07.2014 |
Women Workers and Miscellaneous Categories
It is requested that you may, meanwhile, make preliminary preparations in regard to the above by holding discussions with different categories of staff of your Railway/Production Unit.
Only 02(two) representatives from each Zonal Railway and Production Unit may be nominated to participate in the above-mentioned Group Discussions at AIRF Office, 4 State Entry Road, New Delhi, who should invariably belong to respective categories and be conversant with the subject.
Comradely yours,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary
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