Amendment to Model Constitution regarding RWAs

Model Constitution framed by Department of Personnel and Training for Residents Welfare Associations’ functioning in Delhi and outside Delhi – Amendment thereto

No. 5/8/2013-Welfare
Government of India
Department of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market,
New Delhi, dated 3rd June, 2014

Subject: Model Constitution framed by Department of Personnel and Training for Residents Welfare Associations’ functioning in Delhi and outside Delhi – Amendment thereto.
I am directed to refer to the Compendium of Welfare Programmes/Instructions of facilities (as on 1.6.2001) containing Model Constitution in respect of Residents Welfare Associations’ recognized by the Government of India, Department of Personnel and Training and to say that Clause II and III under Rules and Regulations of Resident Welfare Association contained in Annexure X of the Compendium be substituted by the following :


(a) There shall be two types of members:

All Central Government Employees and employees of Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, Supreme Court, High Court, UPSC, Statutory and Autonomous bodies, Delhi Administration shall qualify for ‘Regular’ membership of an association in receipt of grant-in-aid from Department of Personnel and Training subject to fulfillment of conditions as laid down in para (b) to (h) as below :


Employees of the following offices shall, however, be eligible for enrolment as ‘Associate’ member only:-

(i) Members of the Armed Forces and other Armed Forces of the Union.
(ii) Retired Government Servants.

(b) There should be a drive to maximize membership. For this purpose, as many persons, who fulfil the eligibility conditions for membership are to be so enrolled on the payment of the fee prescribed by the General Body of the Association. No person, who is eligible to become a member and who is willing to pay the prescribed fee, shall be denied membership.

(c) The following ‘Regular’ members will be eligible to seek office in the Managing/Executive Committee:
(i) Who are allottees of Government quarters in the area and are residing there;
(ii) Who are residing in the colony on sharing basis after obtaining official approval;
(iii) Husband/Wife, sons and daughters of a Government servant who are also Govt. Employees and residing in the same flats, provided no other member from the same house is/are contesting office in the Managing/Executive Committee;

(d) Associate member as mentioned in 2(i) to (ii) above who are allottees and residing in the area or are residing on sharing ‘basis’ after obtaining approval shall not be eligible to seek office in the Managing Executive Committee, though they shall have the right to vote in elections.

(e) Member desirous of contesting election would be required to obtain an undertaking from the concerned Head of Department that in the event of any misappropriation of funds etc., disciplinary action against the office bearers from the aforesaid offices would be proceeded in accordance with the provisions of the Conduct Rules of the relevant Secretariats/Organisations.

(f) Member desirous of contesting election would be required to obtain certificate from their respective office that the service conditions applicable to them allow them to hold elective office in RWA.

(g) While enrolling as member or renewing membership, the Association has to satisfy itself that the individual who is being enrolled falls in any of the categories mentioned above. The sample of this is at Annexure-A.

(h) In case, any Government employee, eligible to become a member of the Association of the area where he resides, faces any difficulty in becoming the member of the Association, he/she can submit an application direct to the Area Welfare Officer for necessary action who will settle the matter, if necessary, in consultation with the Chief Welfare Officer, Department of Personnel & Training.

Notes :(i) Employees of organization whose service conditions do not allow to hold elective office in RWA will however have the right to vote in the election;

(ii) Member shall not be open to the employees of the private shops/companies.

The other contents of Model Constitution remain unaltered.

(Pratima Tyagi)
Tele: 24624722


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