Reimbursement of Rs.900/- per annum towards two pairs of shoes- review reg.

Reimbursement of Rs.900/- per annum towards two pairs of shoes- review reg.


No. E(W)2012/UN-1/5

New Delhi,dated 12 May, 2014

The General Manager
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
3 Chelmsford Road
New Delhi-110055

Sub:- Reimbursement of Rs.900/- per annum towards two pairs of shoes- review reg.

Ref:- Board’s letter No.E(W)2012/UN-1/5 dated 20.09.2012.
The undersigned is directed to refer to your letter No.IV/Committee/ Track maintainer/2010/Pt.III dated 16.01.2014 regarding review and dispense with the submission of two receipt condition.
The matter has been considered in detail and it is observed that the specified shoes are available in the market within the limit of Rs.450/. Furthermore, the extant system of purchasing shoes and claiming reimbursement of shoes through bills is an adoptable procedure. The same system is also prevalent in the case of purchase of laptops and brief case for officers in Board’s office.

In view of above, NFIR’s request for reimbursement through salary bill and dispensing with the receipt system in not feasible for acceptance.


 Yours faithfully,

For secretary/Railway Board


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