Grant of Transport Allowance to Orthopaedically handicapped Railway Employees
(Railway Board)
S.No.PC-VI/337 RBE No. 40/2014
No. PC-V/2014/A/TA/1
New Delhi, dated 29.04.2014
The General Manager/CAOs(R)
All Zonal Railways & Pus
(As per mailing list)
Sub:-Grant of Transport Allowance to Orthopaedically handicapped Railway Employees.
Reference is invited to Railway Board’s letter No. F(E) I-78/AL-7/5, dt.15.01.1980 as amended from time to time and to say that the criteria for orthopaedically handicapped employees to draw Transport Allowance at double the normal rates has been reviewed by Ministry of Finance in consultation with the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. It has been decided that in partial modification of para-1 of Railway Board’s letter dt. 15.01.1980 referred above, Double Transport Allowance shall be allowed to an orthopaedically Handicapped Railway employee if he or she has a minimum of 40% permanent partial disability of either one or both upper limbs or one or both lower limbs OR 50% permanent partial disability of one or both upper limbs and one or both lower limbs combined. The other conditions of Board’s letter dated 15.01.1980 for granting Double Transport Allowance to orthopaedically handicapped Railway employees shall remain unchanged.
2. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
3. Hindi version is enclosed.
{Authority: MoF’s OM No.21-1/2011-E.II(B), dt. 5th August, 2013}
Dy.Director, Pay Commission – V
Railway Board.
No. PC-V/2014/A/TA/1
New Delhi, dated 29.04.2014
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