Grant of Service Element of Disability Pension to Pre 01.01.1973 invalided out JCOs, ORs and NCs(E)/ Sailor/ Airmen when the accepted degree of disablement re-assessed as less than 20%.
Circular No. 527
Dated: 25.04.2014
The O I/C
PAO (ORs)/ ROs
Subject: Grant of Service Element of Disability Pension to Pre 01.01.1973 invalided out JCOs, ORs and NCs(E)/ Sailor/ Airmen when the accepted degree of disablement re-assessed as less than 20%.
(Available on this office website
A copy of Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 12(28)/2010-D(Pen/ Pol) dated 10th February’ 2014 on the above subject is forwarded herewith for information and necessary action which is self explanatory.
2. Consequent upon issue of Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 12(28)/2010-D(Pen/ Pol) dated 10th Februaur’ 2014, the condition prescribed prior to 01.01.1973 for continuance of service element with reference to minimum stipulated qualifying service have been dispensed with from 01.01.1973 or the date from which the accepted degree of disability fell below 20% and died with no Disability/ Service Pension, shall also be entitled for family pension from the date following the date of death of individual.
3. Cases of Personal Below officer Rank granted disability pension on invalidment due to disabilities attributable to or aggravated by military service but whose disability subsequently fell below 20%, the service element of disability pension were stopped due to the fact that qualifying service was less than 10 years and 5 years prior to 01.03.1968 and 01.01.1973 respectively, are to be identified and submitted to this office as details in paras below.
The cases where the entitlement of family pensions to the NOKs could not be initiated prior to 01.01.1973 due to service element being stopped where disability fell below 20% will also be submitted.
4. The service element of disability pension/family pension in terms of GOI, MOD letter dated 10th February’ 2014 in respect of Armed Forces personnel invalided out prior to 01.01.1973 shall accordingly be notified by this office i.e. PCDA (P) Allahabad.
i. Corr LPC CUM DATA SHEET quoting PPO No. Under which disability pension/ Service element of disability pension initially sanctioned.
ii. Annexure of MOD letter No. 12(28)/2010-D(Pen/Pol) dated 10th Feb.’ 2014 duly completed in Triplicate copy by the Armed Forces disability pensioners invalided out prior to 01.01.1973 duly verified by PDA & Records Office.
iii. Sheet Roll of the service personnel if available otherwise Long Roll.
iv. A certificate from Records Office about invalidment of the individual along with statement that “the individual invalided out on dated ………… with Q.S. …….. under clause of discharge ………. Individual has been granted initially Disability Pension/ Service Element of Disability Pension vide PPO NO. ………………… for period………….. to …………… but the same discontinued as their accepted degree of disability was …………. % at the time of re-assessment i.e. …………………. (Date of re-assessment medical board)”.
v. Non Conviction certificate of the invalided out personnel.
vi. Non re-employed certificate but if re-employed then full details.
i. LPC CUM DATA SHEET quoting PPO No. Under which disability pension/ Service element of disability pension initially sanctioned.
ii. Death Certificate of the individual.
iii. Last Pension Payment Certificate by PDA in respect of service personnel.
iv. Sheet Roll of the service personnel if available otherwise Long Roll.
v. Annexure of MOD letter No. 12(28)/2010-D(Pen/Pol) dated 10th Feb.’ 2014 duly completed in Triplicate copy by the Armed Forces disability pensioners invalided out prior to 01.01.1973 duly verified by PDA & Records Office.
vi. A certificate from Records Office about invalidment of the individual along with statement that “the individual invalided out on dated ………… with Q.S. …….. under clause of discharge ………. Individual has been granted initially Disability Pension/ Service Element of Disability Pension vide PPO NO. ………………… for period………….. to …………… but the same discontinued as their accepted degree of disability was …………. % at the time of re-assessment i.e. …………………. (Date of re-assessment medical board)”.
vii. Non Conviction certificate heir(s).
viii. Grant/ non grant of Family pension by re-employing authority where the individual was re-employed.
5. In view of the above Govt. order, it is requested that the cases/ claims covered under this Govt. Letter may be identified & necessary action taken after obtaining relevant information/ document required from the pensioners for submission to this office ‘O I/C G-3 Section’/ ‘O I/C G-4 Section’ for consideration of grant of Service Element of Disability Pension/ Family Pension.
6. In the cases, where PDA is unable to complete/ verify the Part-I of Annexure of MOD letter No. 12(28)/2010-D(Pen/Pol) dated 10th Feb.’ 2014 due to non availability of records of the individual then the pro forma/Annexure may be handed over to the individual with remarks that records are not available. The individual/ NOKs will submit the Pro froma/Annexure to his Record Office.
7. This circular has been uploaded on this office website
8. Please acknowledge receipt.
No. Gts/Tech/05/LXXI (A K NIGAM)
Dated: 25.04.2014 Asstt. Controller (P)
Copy to:
All Pension Disbursing Agencies
Consequent upon the above issue, it is requested that PDAs may verify the Part-I of Annexure of MOD letter No. 12(28)/2010-D(Pen/Pol) dated 10th Feb.’ 2014. However, where no records of the individual available at their end, the pro forma/ Annexure may be handed over to the individual with remarks that records of the individual are not available /NOKs may submit the Pro forma/ Annexure to his Record Office for further transmission.
Asst. Controller (P)
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