7th Central Pay Commission Survey

7th Central Pay Commission Survey

The Seventh Central Pay Commission was constituted by the Government of India on 28 February 2014 to study the various issues related to salary, benefits and service conditions of Central Government employees. The commission recommends changes based on individual analysis and on the inputs received from all the stake holders through an exhaustive survey/questionnaire. The questionnaire seeks responses on 42 queries grouped under 15 topics. Some important topics for which feedback is sought in the survey are salary, pay scale, increment, allowances pension, payment of bonus etc.

The link to the survey shall remain open only till 5 pm of 15th June, 2014. So individuals, organisations may send their inputs after providing their personal details like name, address, telephone number and email id at the earliest possible.

To have a look at all the questions and prepare your answers before accessing the online survey you can click the link: 7th Pay Commission Questionnaire

You can access the online survey using the following link:http://survey.nic.in/index.php/681364/lang/en

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