Registration of Government employees aged 60 years and above under National Pension System (NPS)
22 April, 2014
Subject: Registration of Government employees aged 60 years and above under National Pension System (NPS)
The Authority has been receiving several requests from various governments (central & state) to approve the registration of subscribers under National Pension System (NPS) who are aged 60 years and above and which are being approved on case by case basis by PFRDA at present.
Keeping in view of the difficulties being faced by subscribers, now the Authority has decided to enroll all eligible Government employees (central & state) who are on the rolls of the government in to NPS, irrespective of the age at the time of entry, subject to the condition that the total period of contribution to NPS account shall not be more than 42 years. The NPS applications of such subscribers need to be submitted through the appropriate nodal officer of the Govt/ Deptt, in line with the procedure adopted for NPS registration for Government employees aged below 60 years. Also, the responsibility for ensuring that the employee is eligible for being covered under NPS and that the NPS contribution is not paid beyond 42 years during the entire service period for such an employee, lies with the department submitting the subscriber registration form.
This is for the information of all concerned.
Sd/ –
Venkateswarlu Peri
General Manager
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