Circular No. 514
Dated: 05.09.2013
Subject: Implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of the Committee Secretaries Committee-2012-(Joint notification).
Reference: This office Circular No. 504 dated 17.01.2013.
Consequent upon issue of Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 01(05)/2010- D(Pen-Policy) dated 17.01.2013, the families of Armed Forces Pensioners who got second employment in Central Civil departments or State Govt. / PSUs/ Autonomous bodies/ Local Funds of Central/ State Governments after getting retired / discharged from military service and were in receipt of ordinary family pension would be entitled to draw two family pension i.e., the Family Pension (Ordinary) from Military side in addition to the Family pension, if any, authorized by the re-employer for re-employed civil service subject to fulfillment of other prescribed conditions as hiethertofore.
2. In this regard this office has already issued circular No. 504 dated 17.01.2013 for grant of family pension from both side. There are plethora of complaints received in this office that in some cases in which joint notification has already been done by this office and Individual has been re-employed thereafter and family pension has been sanctioned from re-employer side then as per existing rules and note endorsed in the PPO, family pension has not been payable from Army side.
3. But now in consequence of the above cited GOI, MOD letter family pension will be payable from both side. In view of above it is hereby clarified that PDAs will make payment of family pension from both side i.e. Army side in addition to civil side w.e.f 24.09.2012, if he/she is otherwise eligible. In this regard PDA may endorse a note to this effect in the PPO that individual is re-employed and family pension from Army side is payable from 24.09.2012.
4. The provision of this circular shall be effective from 24th September 2012. This circular has been uploaded on this office website for disseminating across the all concerned.
Please acknowledge receipt.
(G K Baranwal)
No. Gts/Tech/0167/XVI
Dated: 05/09/2013
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