Revaluation of Answer Nooks –SAS Part-II Examination held in Sept., 2013.
Office of the CGDA, Ulan Batar Road,
palam, Delhi Cantt. – 110 010.
Date 15th Oct, 2013
All the PCsDA, including Principal IFAs
All Controller of Defence Accounts including IFAs
The Pr.Controller of Accounts (Fys.), Kolkata and
All Controllers of Finance and Accounts (Fys.)
Including Chief Internal Auditors
Subject: Revaluation of Answer Nooks –SAS Part-II Examination held in Sept., 2013.
Result of SAS part-II Examination held in Sept.2013 (23.09.2013 to 27.09.2013) has been declared on 8th Oct, 2013 and uploaded on CGDA’s website. A Booklet containing the detailed result has since been sent separately to the respective offices.
2. The candidates desirous of revaluation of their answer Books (who have failed in the examination) may apply within a period of 45 days from the data of issue of this circular. It may be informed to the candidates that in terms of SAS Rule – 19 re-evaluation is restricted to the following:
(a) Checking of totals:
(b) Correct carry forward to the Top Sheer:
(c) Checking that all answers are evaluated:
(d) rectification of other errors and omissions:
(e) Revaluation does not mean remarking of the answers.
3. Applications may be preferred as per enclosed proforma within the prescribed time limit after fulfilling the conditions laid down in Rule 19 of the Rules and forwarded to this office by 29.11.2013. A report regarding dispatch of all applications received for revaluation in your office may be sent so as to reach this office by 09.12.2013.
4. While forwarding the requests for revaluation, it may be ensured that the candidates concerned have secured 30% of Marks in the paper(s) for which they desire revaluation,
5. Applications of candidates which are not preferred within the prescribed period of 45 days and do not fulfil the requisite conditions for revaluation, may not be entertained/forwarded to this office. Instances have come to the notice of this Hqrs office that PCsDA/CsDA are forwarding applications for revaluation after due date of submission of such requests is over. This may be avoided since no action is taken in such cases.
6. Receipt of this communication may be acknowledged indicting the date of receipt
(J,K Tharmatt)
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