Scheme for providing monthly allowance to the Freedom fighters
Government of West Bengal
Finance (Audit) Department
A.P.S. Branch
131/A, B.B. Ganguly Street, Kolkata-700012
No. 04 A.P.S. Dated, Kolkata, the 15th January, 2013
Subject: Scheme for providing monthly allowance to the freedom fighters and their dependent family members who were receiving such allowance under the Assistance to Political Sufferer Scheme.
In view of discontinuation of the Assistance to Political Sufferer Scheme vide Finance Department Memo. No. 03 A.P.S. dt. 15.01.2013 the State Government has been considering introduction of a new Scheme for the freedom fighters and their dependent family members in the following categories who were receiving such allowance under the earlier Scheme as mentioned above to get the same quantum of assistance;
A) Indian National Army
B) Rani Jhansi Regiment
C) Andaman Prisoners
D) Swtantrata Sainik Samman Pension
The Governor, is now pleased to decide that-
i) A new Scheme namely, ‘Assistance to Freedom Fighters’ Scheme’ is hereby introduced for providing monthly allowance to the freedom fighters and the dependent member(s) of their family already in receipt of such allowance under the earlier one since discontinued.
The term “family” for this purpose includes the following relations of a recipient of a freedom fighter.
(a) Widow of the recipient of the monthly allowance.
(b) Dependent unmarried and unemployed daughter/daughters.
(c) Dependent minor child/children.
ii) The quantum of allowance will be Rs. 3250/- only per month for the freedom fighters.
After death of a freedom fighter, the aforesaid amount of Rs. 3250/-only per month will be granted to the widow of the freedom fighter.
After death of the widow of a freedom fighter, an amount of Rs. 1500/-only per month will be granted to the other dependents as mentioned in (b) & (c) above. In that case all of them will select one among themselves for receiving the amount. The recipient will have to furnish an affidavit sworn on a non-judicial stamp paper worth Rs. 10/- that she will take care of all other dependents.
iii) In case of death of a freedom fighter receiving such monthly allowance, his dependent family members will not be entitled to have the monthly allowance automatically. They will have to apply afresh for it with the proof of death of the recipient of the monthly allowance and of their own eligibility otherwise. Sanction of this monthly allowance to dependents will be effective from the month of issuance of Government Order sanctioning such allowance.
2. Persons belonging to any of the categories but not in receipt of such allowance and consider themselves eligible for such monthly allowance under this scheme may also apply in such Form as will be prescribed in this regard by the State Government. The Form duly filled in is to be accompanied with such particulars and documents as mentioned therein.
3. The payment of allowance sanctioned under this scheme shall be made through Treasuries.
4. For the purpose of payment of monthly allowance under this Scheme, the Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal will issue necessary P.P.O to the concerned Treasury on the basis of sanction order issued by the Finance Department for making payment therefrom.
5. This will take effect from the 1st day of February, 2013.
Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi
Principal Secy. to the Govt. of West Bengal
Finance Department
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