No. 28-8/2011-D
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Mail Business Division
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110001
Dated 13-08-2013
Sub:- Revised Establishment Norms for Operational Activities at Speed Post Sorting Hubs, Intra-Circle Hubs and Computerised Registration Centres
Attention is invited to the Directorate OM of even no. dated 17-01-2013 vide which revised norms for operational activities at Speed Post Sorting Hubs, IC Hubs and CRCs were circulated.
2. Reference were received as to whether the revised norms for sorting circulated vide O.M. referred to above were to be considered as productivity norms or establishment norms. It is clarified that the establishment norms for operational activities other than that for “Sorting of Articles” would be the same as circulated vide Directorate OM of even no. dated 17-01-2013. Establishment norm for “Sorting of Articles’ has been fixed as 0.079 minute per article (i.e. 760 articles per hour). However, time factor for productivity pertaining to sorting of articles would continue to be 0.063 per article (i.e. 950 articles per hour).
3. This issues with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Wing vide their Diary No. 113/FA/13/CS dated 12-08-2013.
Director (Mail Management)
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