Implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of the Committee Secretaries 2012 on the issues related to Defence Service Personnel and Ex-Servicemen- Improvement in Pension of JCO/ ORs Armed Forces retired/ discharged/ invalided out of service prior to 01.01.2006.
Circular No. 512 Dated: 26.06.2013
Subject: Implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of the Committee Secretaries 2012 on the issues related to Defence Service Personnel and Ex-Servicemen- Improvement in Pension of JCO/ ORs Armed Forces retired/ discharged/ invalided out of service prior to 01.01.2006.
Reference: This office Circular No. 501 and 502 dated 17.01.2013.
PDAs are aware that as per this Office circular cited under reference, service pension in respect of JCOs/ORs discharged with qualifying service of 15 years and more will be revised by PDAs with reference to qualifying service, rank and group last held by the individuals as per tables attached with above cited circular.
It has been observed that various PDAs feel difficulties while revising pension w.e.f 24.09.2012 .Accordingly clarification on some of major problems are given as under‑
1. Terms of engagement –
The Maximum terms of engagement of various rank of all services are prescribed as Appendix X to the above cited circular. The term of engagement of various ranks have been changed from 1.12.76 and 30.05.1998.Due to clerical mistake “from 01/12/1976” has been mentioned as “from 1.1.73” in above cited circular which should be amended to that extends i.e. in place of 1.1.73 read 1.12.76. Further, Terms of engagement of Seamen land Leading Seamen as shown “from 1.04.85” will be “from 01.06.1953”.Exception periods are “emergency period” and applicable to those armed Force personnel who were retained in service compulsory beyond their terms of engagement during emergency.
2. Re-grouping of Group-
Groups for all ranks of PBOR have been introduced w.e.f. 01/06/1953. Initially there were 8 groups i.e. A, B, C, D, E, F,G and H. These pay groups were regrouped in 5 (i.e. A, B, C, D,E) w.e.f. 01/01/1973 which was further regrouped in 3 groups (X, Y & Z) w.e.f. 10/10/1997. It has been clarified that eight groups have been regrouped in five groups from 1.1.73 and further reduced to three groups from 10.10.1997 are as follows-.
PRE-1973 |
“A” |
“B” TO “F” and Gunner GD |
“G” & “H” |
POST -1973 |
“A” |
“B” TO “D” |
“E” |
POST 10.10.97 |
“X” |
“Y” |
“Z” |
Similarly for Navy and Air force it is also clarified that Special Group in Navy between 01/01/1996 to 09/10/1997 is equivalent to group S’. Therefore, the pension of special group is to be also revised according to group ‘EV of the same rank.
3. Equivalent rank of three Armed Force-
The Equivalent rank of three services are shown Appendix Y to the circular no 501 dated 17.01.2013.some of PDAs queried about equivalent rank of Atrificer III —I in Navy It is hereby clarified that Atrificer III —I rank have Grade pay of 3400/- ,therefore, no equivalent rank in Army/Ai r Force exists.
It is also clarified that Mechnician and Artificer are equivalent rank in Navy. In this office circular No. 501 only Art III to I and Chief Art has been mentioned in table No. 13 (Navy). The Service pension of Mech III-I and Chief mechnician may also to be revised as for Art III-I and Chief Artificer respectively.
4. Rounding of Qualifying Service –
while calculating the length of qualifying service for the pensionary benefits, a fraction of a year equal to 3 months and above is treated as one half (1/2) year period and nine months or more but less than a year is treated as a completed one year for determining the amount of pension w.e.f. 28/06/1983. Prior to 28/06/1983 the broken period of service of 180 days or more was treated as I/2 years w.e.f. 22/04/1960. In view of above, if Q.S has been mentioned as 17 years 10 months in PPO/ Corr PPO then it should be rounded upto 18 year, 17.5 years and 17 years for post 28.06.1983 retirees, pre-28.6.83 but post 22.04.60 retirees and pre-22.04.60 retirees respectively.
5. Seeking Information:
It is also informed that all Annexure ‘A’ of circular 501 may send to 01/C Sangam Cell through E-mail address of this office on soft copy in single excel sheet along with hard copy and Annexure S’ of circular No. 501 only beneficial case as per this office circular No. 509 dated 16/04/2013 sent to 01/C RP Cell in Hard copy. It is also intmated that if corr. PPO has been issued wef 1.7.2009 then need not to refer such case to this office on Annexure S’ as this office issues suo-moto corr. PPO in these cases.
6. Revision of Family Pension:
It is also come to notice that during revision of family pension in terms of this office circular No. 502 dt. 17.01.2013, there may be some cases where some information regarding Q.S. and group is not available at your end. These cases may be referred to this office on all Annexure S’ for wanting information. It is also informed that Annexure S’ may be sent to OIC of Sangam Cell through E-mail address of this office on Soft copy in single excel sheet along with hard copy. It is hereby also clarified that pending receipt of clarification/ information from this office family pension may be received as an interim measure at the rate of minimum guaranteed rate prescribed under this office circular No. 510 dt. 16.04.2013 and if group is also not available then family pension may be revised for lowest group for the rank.
It is therefore, advised that above points may be kept in mind while regulating cases. The payment of pension may be regulated at the existing rates earliest if the same has not been done earlier.
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