ANNEXURE No.A-12023/1/2013/Admn-III
Government of India
Department of Commerce (Supply Division)
Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals,
Admn.III Section
Jeevan Tara Building, 5, Sansad Marg, New Delhi
Dated the 18 April, 2013
Subject: Engagement of Retired Section Officer who were holding analogous posts in purely Governmental Organizations as Consultant — Inviting of applications from eligible officers thereof.
It is proposed to prepare a panel of Retired Section Officers who were holding analogous posts in Government Departments/Ministries for engagement of Retired Section Officers as Consultants in various Directorates of this Office with the following terms conditions:
i) Must have retired from Central Government Service at the level of Section Officer/Under Secretary.
ii) The upper age limit should not exceed 62 years, as on the last date for submission of application for the post.
2. The engagement of Consultants shall be subject to the following conditions.
a) The engagement shall be initially for a period of six months, which may be extended, subject to the approval of the competent authority.
b) Working hours shall normally be from 9.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. during working days including half an hour lunch break in between. However, in exigencies of work, they may be required to sit late and they may be called on Saturday/Sunday and other Gazetted holidays.
c) Consultant shall be eligible for 4 days leave during the period of six months. However, unavailed leave cannot be carried forward, in case of extension beyond six months.
d) The engagement may be terminated at any time by the Government without assigning any reason by giving a notice of fifteen days.
e) The consultancy fee would be last pay drawn minus pension and DA.
f) No TA/DA will normally be admissible. Local conveyance charges, as per actuals, upto a maximum of Rs. 300/- will be reimbursed.
3. The persons who fulfill the eligibility criteria and are willing to offer their services as consultant, may submit their applications in the prescribed proforma (enclosed) latest by 15 May, 2013 to Deputy Director (Admn.), Room No.-348, Jeevan Tara Building, 3rd Floor DGS&D, New Delhi.
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