No.2/5/Online – System/FCRH – 2013
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates
F – Block, C.R. Hostel
New Delhi, the 18/04/2013
Subject: Introduction of online reservation system in the reservation/allotment of casual hostel accommodation in the Central Government Touring Officer’s Hostel/Holiday Home/Guest House at Delhi.
With a view to provide for choices & convenience of the applicants for reservation of casual hostel accommodation in the Central Government Touring Officer’s Hostel/Holiday Home/Guest House at Delhi, it has been decided to introduce automated online reservation/allotment system w.e.f. 01/05/2013.
2. For this purpose only online applications will be accepted henceforth. Applicants will apply for reservation by filling up the required application form online. After completing the process online, the applicant will have to take a print out of his/her application and get it verified/forwarded from his/her office and send it along with payment (Demand Draft) & other allied details/documents etc., to “Online Reservation Cell, F – Block, C.R.Hostel Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi – 110001” for confirmation of his/her booking request. On receipt of the filled up application with payment of room rent (Demand Draft), duly verified & forwarded by the controlling office of the applicant (in case of Retd. Government Officers attested copy of PPO), his/her booking request will be processed. Applicant can monitor the status of his/her booking request online through the website.
3. With effect from 16/04/2013 onward, only online applications for reservation of casual accommodation in the Central Government Touring officer’s Hostel/Holiday Home/Guest House at Delhi will be accepted.
4. No manual application will be accepted from 16/04/2013 onwards for the reservation of casual accommodation in the Central Government Touring officer’s Hostel/Holiday Home/Guest House at Delhi seeking reservation for the period from 01/05/2013 onwards.
5. Manual applications received up to 15/04/2013 for the reservation of casual accommodation in the Central Government Touring Officer’s Hostel/Holiday Home/Guest House at Delhi seeking reservation for the period up to 30/04/2013 have been accepted and casual accommodation is reserved subject to availability.
6. Detailed procedure/guidelines as laid down in the O.M dated 21/12/2013 and terms & Conditions and other relevant information regarding reservation of Delhi central Government Touring Officer’s Hostel/Holiday Home/Guest House accommodation are available on the website of this Directorate i.e. / Holiday Homes website and shall be applicable.
7. This issues with the approval of Director of Estates.
Deputy Director of Estates [O&M]
[To be displayed on internet]
Terms & Conditions: Reservation/Allotment of Government Hostels in Delhi. (For casual accommodation)
· F – Block, C.R. Hostel, (Central Government Touring Officer’s Hostel, K.G.Marg, New Delhi – 110001.
· Kidwai Nagar (West), Central Government Officer’s Holiday Home, West Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi – 110023.
· Hudco Place, Central Government Officer’s Guest House, Block – 7 & 15/D, Hudco Place Transit Hostel Complex, New Delhi – 110049.
I. For reservation – Log onto Holiday Homes website –
II. Maximum period of stay allowed (allotment) at a time will be seven (07) days in case of official tour/duty. (In exceptional cases, extension is allowed up to 10 days, if the extension of stay request is forwarded by the concerned administrative Office/Department.). Beyond 07 days up to 10th day, rent at the guest rate will be charged from the officer.
III. Guest Accommodation is provided to the serving Officers of Central/State/PSU’s and Retired officers of Central Government only. Maximum period of stay allowed in Guest accommodation at a time will be five (05) days only.
IV. For Guest Accomodation only one room/suite will be reserved for one person/family.
V. No accommodation is provided to the officers on transfer/posting at Delhi.
VI. Payment of charges should be made in advance for the total period of stay through a ‘Bank Draft’ drawn in favour of “The ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF ESTATES (CASH), NEW DELHI”.
VII. The confirmation will be done only after Receipt of application along with Room Rent (Demand Draft) for the complete period of reservation. The payment of Room Rent must reach within 10 days from the date of online submission of booking request. Payments received after 10 days limit shall not be entertained, in any case for the claim of reservation.
VIII. No refund will be allowed of the accommodation once booking is confirmed.
IX. Confirmation of Reservation: Applicants should take printout of the duly filled in online application form and after due verification from the concerned administrative section/authority in case of serving officers, (Retired officers enclose attested copy of PPO) and send it to the address mentioned below along with the requisite rent & supporting documents. [Mention your Name & address at the back of the Bank Draft/Pay Order]. You can take one more printout of application for your record. Once (Online Reservation Cell, F – Block, C.R.Hostel, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi – 110001) receives your application and after due verification of the documents and confirmation of the rent, the status of the application will be updated on the Holiday Home website. Possession of the room/suite will be handed over to the allottee only on the production of allotment letter generated online.
X. Cancellation of Reservation/ allotment will be done in case:
· If the application form is incomplete.
· If status of Office/Department is not correct. (Central Government Ministry/Attached Office/Subordinate Office/PSU/Autonomous etc.)
· If the rent paid is short.
· If the supporting documents are not complete or no verification has been done.
· If false document has been submitted.
· If incorrect or wrong information is given.
· If the application is not duly forwarded by the Administrative division/section of the concerned applicant.
· Disparity in the payment details mentioned in the application and the actual payment.
· Application has not been received within stipulated time.
Note: Reservation/allotment once cancelled will not be re – considered and rent paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
XI. The production of the valid photo Identity Card in case of Government officials and their guest(s) and attested copy of PPO in case of Retired officers is also required at the time of check in, at the Reception Desk for verification.
XII. Not more than 03 requests of Guest Accommodation will be entertained if the applicant officers belong to one particular department, and the period of reservation is same.
XIII. The Government official(s) and their guests will be personally responsible for the vacation of the accommodation on the expiry of the period of allotment. In case of non – vacation on the expiry of the period of allotment, the occupant(s) will be immediately evicted under PP (E) Act, 1971.
XIV. The casual accommodation is available at F – Block, C.R.Hostel and Hudco Place to all officers, except 04 Deluxe Double suites at F – Block, C.R.Hostel and all rooms of Kidwai Nagar (west) Holiday Home which will be available only to the officers holding the rank of Under-Secretary and above (drawing grade pay Rs.6600/- and above).
Eligibility criteria for reservation: |
1. F – Block, C.R.Hostel (Central Government Touring Officers’ Hostel), New Delhi [Deluxe Suites excluded].
ü Serving & Retired Central Government Officers on official tour/duty/LTC/Leave.
ü Serving & Retired State Government/PSUs/Autonomous Bodies/Institutions/ Officers on official tour/duty/LTC/Leave
ü Guest accommodation (subject to availability) to Central/State Government Serving Officers and Retired Officers of Central Government only.
2. Kidwai Nagar (West), (Central Government Officer’s Holiday Home) and Hudco Place, (Central Government Officers’ Guest House) and Deluxe Suites at F – Block, C.R.Hostel(Central Government Touring Officers’ Hostel), New Delhi
ü Serving & Retired Central Government Officers of the rank of Under Secretary and above in the Government of India, on official tour/duty/LTC & on leave. [Minimum grade pay Rs. 6600/-]
ü Serving & Retired Central PSU’s Officers and State Government officers both equivalent to or above the level of Under Secretary in the Government of India on official tour/duty/LTC & on leave. [Minimum grade pay Rs. 6600/-]
ü Guest accommodation (subject to availability) to Central/State Government Serving Officers and Retired Officers of Central Government only of the rank of Under Secretary and above. [Minimum grade pay Rs. 6600/-]
Complete addresses of the Government Hostels in Delhi. |
1. Central Government Touring Officers Hostel,
F – Block, C.R.Hostel, M.S.Aparments,
Kasturba Gandhi Marg,
New Delhi – 110001.
2. Central Government Officers Holiday Home,
Kidwai Nagar (West), (opp. Safdarjung Hospital),
New Delhi – 110023.
3. Central Government Officers Guest House,
Block – 7 & Block – 15/ D,
Hudco Place Transit Hostel Complex,
Hudco Place, New Delhi – 110049.
POSTAL ADDRESS FOR DESPATCH- Printout of online application duly forwarded by the Administrative office/authority of the applicant officer with requisite payment of rent through a Bank Demand Draft/Pay Order/Banker’s Cheque. |
Online Reservation Cell
NEW DELHI – 110001.
Phone: 011 – 23389775
(Requisite advance room rent payment in the Form of DEMAND DRAFT (DD)/Pay Order/Bankers ‘Cheque of any Nationalised Bank or AXIS /ICICI/HDFC Bank in favour of “THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF ESTATES (CASH)” payable at Delhi). |
NOTE: Send your request by “SPEED POST/REGISTERED POST” only.
In Delhi hostels are having different type of accommodation:
i. Single AC room with two beds.
ii. Double suite AC (Twin room set) with one double bed.
iii. Double suite AC (Twin room set) with two double Beds – family suite.
iv. Double suite AC (Twin room set) with two toilets and six single beds – large family suite.
v. Double suite AC (twin room set) with better décor, and with one Bed room and one living room with extra dewan cum bed. (For officers in the grade pay of Rs.6600/- and above & their guests)
The category V type accommodation is available at F – Block, C.R.Hostel and Hudco place.
Guest Accomodation: |
· No person other than family member is allowed to share the accommodation allotted to the Government official on tour/LTC.
· Guest accommodation is allotted separately.
· Guest means close relatives of the applicant officers & person well known to the applicant officer coming from outside Delhi and separate Guest accommodation is provided.
· No Guest accommodations provided performing any type of ceremonies/family functions/marriages etc.
· Complete details of the Guest & his/her purpose of visit must be mentioned by the sponsoring officer.
· For Guest Accommodation only one room/suite will be reserved.
Limit of persons to be allowed in a particular suite is as under:
| |
Type of Suite (Casual accommodation) |
No. of maximum persons allowed to stay. |
1. |
Single AC room with two beds. |
02 adults |
2. |
Deluxe Double suite AC (Twin room set) bed room with one double bed & living room. ** |
2/3 adults |
3. |
Double suite AC (Twin room set) with two Bed rooms with two double Beds – family suite ** |
04/06 adults |
4. |
Double suite AC (Twin room set) with two toilets and six single beds – large family suite. |
06/08 adults |
** Not yet ready.
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