Building Specific Temporary Passes to pensioners
Government of India/Bharat Sarkar
Ministry of Home Affairs/Grih Mantralaya
Jaisaimer House, 26, Man Singh Road,
New Delhi, dated the 22nd March, 2012/28MAR 2012
Subject: Issue of Building Specific Temporary Passes to pensioners.
The undersigned is directed to say that, in order to facilitate the entry of the Government servants after their retirement to follow up their outstanding matters related to pension and pensionary benefits, it has been decided that building specific temporary pass will be issued to the pensioners immediately after their retirement for a period of three months, for the buildings where their administrative/pensionary matters are dealt with.
2. The employee who is due to retire, has to apply for this purpose, in the existing format for temporary pass
to the Zonal Supervisor concerned, through Administrative Section of the Ministry/Department..
3 This may please be brought to the notice of all concerned.
(Harcharan Kaur)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
All Ministries/Departments of Government of India
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