Question Paper for Summative Assessment-II for classes IX & X-CBSE Affiliated Schools

(An Autonomous Organisation under the Ministry of Human Resource Development Govt. of Inida)SHIKSHA KENDRA, 2, COMMUNITY CENTRE,

No.CBSE/DIR(ART&I)/SA-II/2013 Circular No.:Acad.20/2013


Heads of all CBSE Affiliated Schools


This is in continuation to our Circular No.Acad-09/2013 dated 25.1.2013 intimating you about the generation of Question Papers for Summative Assessment II for classes IX & X. As you are aware the Board will support schools to generate online question papers in the major subjects w.e.f this session. All of us are to ensure that the examination is conducted in smooth and fair manner. It is essential that the conduct of the Assessment does not only appear to be fair but should enjoy the complete confidence and trust of the public at large. Therefore, it is our bounden duty to sustain this trust. In order to conduct this examination fairly and smoothly the following measures may be taker and ensured.

1. that the candidates should be advised to be in their seats 30 minutes before the schedule commencement of the assessment;

2. they may be given the Question Paper for the day 15 minutes before the commencement of the assessment. This time be allotted to read the question paper only. The students will not write any answer on the answer book during this period;

3. proper seating arrangement should be made for the conduct of the assessment;

4. as suggested in the abovesaid circular the schools are advised to club themselves with the Sahodaya Cluster and schools in a particular city and design the combined datesheet for conduct of the Assessment and evaluation of answer books;

5. sufficient number of invigilators be developed for invigilation duty;

6. it must be ensured that teachers who are teaching a particular subject should not be given invigilation duty on the day when examination of the concerned subject is being conducted;

7. no candidate should be allowed to leave the examination hall before the expiry of half the time allotted for the paper;

8. efforts must be made to ensure that no unfairmeans are permitted during the conduct of the assessment;

9. the visually impaired, physically handicapped, spastic, dyslexic, autistic and candidates with disabilities as defined in the Persons with Disabilities Act 1995 shall be extended the facility of extra time and that of the amanuensis as per rules of the Board.

10. there may be teachers teaching in Classes IX and X whose ward/near relation may also be appearing for the Class IX/X examination from the same school. The head of the institution shall ensure that such teachers are not involved in the invigilation/evaluation duties for class IX/X, as the case may be in case, it is not feasible to absolve them from evaluation duties, the evaluation work should invariably be got done under supervision of the head of the school.

11. an undertaking must be obtained from the invigilators that their no near relation(s) is/are appearing at the examination;

12. immediately after the expiry of the time of examination the Centre Superintendent shall collect all the answer books from the invigilators. These should then be personally checked by the Centre Superintendent with the List of Candidates who appeared in each subject in that session.

13. after the examination is over the answer books must be got evaluated strictly as per the Marking Scheme provided by the Board;

14. in case of preparing the Question paper by the school itself the evaluation be done as per the Marking Scheme prepared by that school;

15. the answer-books must be kept in proper lock and key under the safe custody of the Prinicpal or the Examination incharge.

16. the answer books after evaluation must be also kept with the set of Question Papers and Marking Scheme properly and safely for verification by the Board at any time:

In the end, I once again request you to please extend your willing co-operation to the Board in the smooth and fair conduct of the Assessment. I am sure, with your active support the Board would be able to preserve the sanctity of the system and avoid criticism. Needless to mention that we all are custodian of examinees faith and we have to preserve it at all cost.

Yours faithfully


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