Leave Encashment with LTC

Leave Encashment with LTC

Sl. No.

Frequently Asked Question



Whether encashment of leave is allowed after LTC is practice,availed?

Sanction of leave encashment should, as a be done in advance, at the time of sanctioning the LTC. However, ex-post- facto sanction of leave encashment on LTC may be considered by the sanctioning authority as an exception in deserving cases within the time limit prescribed for submission of claims for LTC.


Whether encashment of leave with LTC can be availed at the time when the LTC is availed the Government servant only or can leave be encashed at the time when LTC is availed by family members?

Yes. A Govt. servant can be permitted to encash earned leave upto 10 days either at the time of availing LTC for himself or by when his family avails it provided other conditions are satisfied.


Whether leave encashment should be revisedonretrospective revision ofpay/D.A?

In terms of 38-A of CCS(Leave) Rules, encashment of EL alongwith LTC is to be calculated on pay admissible on the date of availing LTC and DA admissible on that date. If pay or DA admissible has beenrevised with retrospective effect, going by the rule the Govt. servant would be entitled to encashment of Leave on the revisedrates.


Whether encashment of Earned Leave and Half Pay Leave is admissible to industrial employees?

The industrial employees, other than those under the cadre control of the Ministry of Railways, are entitled to encash both Earned Leave and Half Pay Leave, subject to overall limit of 300. The cash equivalent of Half Pay Leave shall be equal to leave salary admissible for Half Pay Leave plus Dearness Allowance admissible on the leave salary without any reduction being made on account of pension and pension equivalent of other retirement benefits payable. But no commutation of Half Pay Leave shall be allowed to make up for the shortfall in Earned Leave and these orders are effective from 07-11-2006 {O.M No. 12012/3/2009- Estt.(L) dated 28-12-2012)



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