No.12647/LIC/Mov C/ 25 /D(Mov)/2013
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
New Delhi, the 25th Feb , 2013
The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Naval Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff
1 I am directed to refer to GOI, MoD letter No.12647/Q Mov C/2610/D(Mov)/98 dated 11 Sep 98 as amended vide corrigendum No.B/33931/AG/PS-2(b)/3343/D(Mov)/99 dated 10 Dec 99 and GOI, MoD letter No.12647/LTC/Mov C/2970/D(Mov)/08 dated 17 Dec 2008 which authorise encashment of annual leave up to 10 days along with LTC to the extent of total 60 days in a career span cover incidental expe
nses incurred on travel by service personnel.
2 Since the Govt orders do not specify the time frame to be maintained while disbursing advance payment of leave encashment with LTC, a clarification was sought by CGDA from DoPT.
3. Now DoPT vide their OM No.14028/2/2012-Estt-Estt.(L) dated 26 Jun 12 (copy enclosed) have clarified that the benefit of leave encashment on LTC may be allowed 60 days before proposed date of outward journey.
4. In view of the above clarification by DoPT, sanction of competent authority is hereby accorded for extension of DoPT instructions dated 26 Jun 12 as in para 1 above for all service pers also.
5. This issues with concurrence of Ministry of Defence (Finance/OA) vide their ID No. 9(2)/98/76/QA dated 11 Feb 2013.
Yours faithfully,.
(Deepak Narang)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India
Clarification Letter by DoPT
No. 14028/2/2012-Estt.(L)
Department of Personnel & Training
Estt. (Leave) Section
North Block, New Delhi,
Dated 26.6.2012
Subject: Payment of Leave Encashment amount alongwith LTC advance.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the Ministry of Defence’s OM No. 11(2)/2011/D(Civ-II) dated 24.1.2012 and reminded 21st March, 2012 on the above mentioned subject and to say that the benefit of leave encashment may be allowed 60 days before the proposed date of outward journey. Ministry of Defence may also please ensure that in future reference seeking a clarification are sent to this office department with the approval of an officer of the level of Joint Secretary or above.
(Zoya C.B.)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Office of the Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palami Delhi Cantt. 110010
No. AVIV/4462/Orders/Vol-III
dated 19th March 2013
PCoA (Fys) Kolkata
Sub: Payment of leave encashment as LTC advance.
A copy of Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter no. 12647/LTC/Mov C/25/D(Mov)/2013 dated 25th Feb 2013 and DoPT O.M. No. 14028/2/2012-Estt1(L) dt. 26/06/2012 on the above mentioned subject is forwarded herewith for information, guidance and necessary action.
(Upendra Kumar)
Accounts Officer
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