OFB Apprenticeship Training 2012-13 – Application and Registration through On-line details…
Every year OFB is being inducted of Trade Apprentices for Training under the Apprentices Act 1961 in Ordnance factories and Ordnance equipment factories. In this respect, for this year i.e.,2012-13 OFB had published an advertisment on 19.10.2012 regarding the commencement of registration of on-line application. This date was changed and OFB has announced re-scheduled dates for commencing on-line registration of Trade Apprentices (53rd Batch) 2012-13 in Ordnance and Ordnance Equipment factories. This order superseses the advertisment published on 19th October, 2012.
New date will be intimated through its website www.ofb.gov.in
more details visit here-
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