F.NO 39-3/2003-04/CGHS/MSD/RS
Government of India
Ministry of Health &family Welfare
Nirman Bhavan New Delhi
Dated 23rd July 2009
Subject: Non-admissibility of preparation such primarily food tonics cosmetics and vaccines.
The undersigned is directed to say that the question of admissibility or otherwise to beneficiaries under CGHS/CS(MA) Rules 1944 of preparations which are primarily food, vitamins, Haematinic minerals, anti-oxidants, cosmetics and vaccines, has been under consideration for some time. On the recommendations of an Expert Committee and Drug Controller General of India, it has been decided that
(I) Product manufactured/marketed as food supplement, cosmetics and ayurvedic preparation prescribed by allopathic doctors will be inadmissible.
(ii) Supply of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants will be restricted to prevalent CGHS formulary only,
(iii) Vaccines, in general, will be admissible, except Hepatitis B, Influenza and Leprovac Vaccines for high risk individual, is recommended by specialist with justification and countersigned by HOD of concerned speciality of Government Hospital.
These instructions take effect from the date of issue of the Office Memorandum.
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