ROPA,09-final 50 percent arrear payment of 3rd Installment to the employees of State-Aided Orginaisations, Boards etc.


Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No.7045 –F(P)                                                                                                      Kolkata, the 16th August 2012


    The question of releasing the remaining 50%  of the third instalment of arrear due to revision of pay and allowances as per recommendations of the fifth Pay Commission in respect of the employees of the State-aided organizations.  Statutory Organisations, Boards, Corporations, State Govt. Undertakings etc. has been under consideration of the Government for some time past.

    After careful consideration of the matter, the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that remaining 50% of the third installment of arrear as mentioned in the above  para shall be released in the month of September 2012.

    The administrative Departments are requested to send proposal as such to this Department along with a copy of Order/regulation revising the pay and allowances as per recommendations of the 5th Commission in respect of the employees of the State – aided organizations, Statutory Bodies, Boards, Corporations under their administrative control with a clear mention whether the first, the second and first 50% of the installment of arrear have already been paid.



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