No.21011/1/2005 – Estt.(A) (Part 111)
Government of India,
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block,New Delhi
April 2,2012
Sub: Providing copies of ACRs/APARs to retired officers of Central Civil Services/Posts.
The undersigned is directed to say that as per instructions contained in this Department’s OM No.51/5/72-Estt.(A) dated 20.5.1972,the ACRs in respect of officers may be destroyed 5 years after his/her date of retirement.The new rules adopted from the reporting year2008-09 provide that the whole contents of the APAR including the overall grading shall be communicated to the officer concerned for information/making a representation,if any,to the Competent Authority.
2. The questions of handing over the ACR dossier to the officer concerned after his/her retirement from service has been considered in this Department.It has been decided that after a period of retention of the ACR/APAR dossier for two years,if a specific written request is received from the concerned retired officer to this effect, the CR dossier may be provided to him.Before any ACR dossier is weeded out on completion the normal retention period, it may be certified by the concerned section that no request for handing over the ACR dossier has been received from that retired officer. However,if any disciplinary proceedings were pending finalization in respect of the officer at the time of his retirement, the period of two years shall count from the date of issue of final orders in the disciplinary proceedings.
(Prem Chand)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
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