Restricted Holidays — Inclusion Of “Bhagawan Vaigundaswami Birthday” — Orders — Issued

Restricted Holidays — Inclusion Of “Bhagawan Vaigundaswami Birthday” — Orders — Issued.


   As per the government order first read above the state government employees are entitled to avail three days as restricted holidays in a year. The government also directed in the g.o. that 35 festivals were notified as restricted holidays.

   2. In the government order second read above, the list of restricted holidays has been restricted to 32, by amending para 532 of secretariat office manual.

   3. A request has been made to this government to consider declaring a government holiday on “bhagawan vaigundaswami birthday”.

   4. The government after careful consideration direct that” bhagawan vaigundaswami birthday” shall be included as one of the ‘restricted holidays’ mentioned in the annexure to the government order second read above as serial no.33.

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