RBE No.99/2011
New Delhi, dated 28.06.2011
The General Managers
All Indian Railways.
Sub: Safety Related Retirement Scheme covering safety categories with Grade Pay of Rs.1900/-.
Please refer to Board,s letters of even number dated 11.O9.2010 and 24.09.2010 vide which the benefit of Safety Related Retirement Scheme (SRRS) was extended to other safety categories of staff with a grade pay of Rs.1800/- p.m. The nomenclature of the Scheme was also modified also Liberalized Active Retirement Scheme for Guaranteed Employment for Safety Staff (LARSGES5) with Grade Pay of 1800/-.
2. Considering the demand of the Employees Federations it has now been decided to expand the scope of LARSGESS by enhancing the existing criteria of grade pay of Rs.1800/- to Rs.1900/-. However, the employment under the Scheme would be guaranteed only to those found eligible/suitable and finally selected as per the laid down procedure. The list of Safety categories covered under the Scheme in Grade Pay Rs.1800/- has already been circulated vide Board’s letter dated 11.09.2011. Same categories in Grade Pay Rs.1900/- will now be eligible for the scheme.
3. For determining the eligibility for seeking retirement under the Scheme, Grade Pay. corresponding to the post against which the employee is working on regular basis, will be taken into account. In other words, the staff working on the post with Grade Pay of Rs.1900/- will continue to be eligible for seeking retirement under the Scheme even after getting financial upgradation in Pay higher han Rs.1900/- under MACPS.
4 The eligibility conditions for the safety staff with grade pay of Rs.1900/- seeking retirement under the scheme would be the same as those for Drivers viz. 33 years of qualifying service and age between 55-57 years. Recruitment of the wards of such employees being in respective category (i.e. in grade pay of Rs.1900/-) their suitability would be adjudged by an Assessment Committee of 3 SAG officers at Headquarter level as in the case of the wards of Drivers.
5. The eligibility conditions in respect of qualifying service and age group in case of Gangmen and other safety categories in grade pay of Rs.1800/- would remain 20 years and 50-57 years respectively, and the suitability of their wards would be adjudged by an Assessment Committee of 3 JA Grade officers at Divisional level.
6. It is once again reiterated that the retirement of the employee be considered only if the ward is found suitable in all respects. Retirement of the employee and appointment of the ward should take place simultaneously.
7. The other terms and conditions of the Scheme will remain unchanged.
8. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
9.Hindi version will follow.
10. Kindly acknowledge receipt.
(Salim Md. Ahmed)
Deputy Director Estt.(P&A)III,
Railway Board
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