Quick and Accurate Disbursement of Pension to Ex-Servicemen

For in formation of Defence Pensioners

Government of India has taken a number of decisions to improve the benefits of defence pensioners.
The most recent improvements are implementation of the 6th Central Pay Commission Report and
further improvements as per Cabinet Secretary Committee’s Report.

2. In order to enable Defence pensioners to know their correct entitlement as a result of various Govt. orders, the Controller General of Defence Accounts (CGDA) has developed a software called
This software requires some minimum inputs to be provided about the pensioner (e.g.
date of discharge! retirement, rank / group, qualifying service, date of birth, initial pension etc.). On the basis of this information, “Suvigya” shows the changes in pension as a result of different revisions and the latest pension entitlements. The software also provides for taking print-out of the result.

3. “Suvigya” software has been installed in the offices of Rajya I Zila Sainik Boards and Defence
Pension Disbursement Offices (DPDOs) in a phased manner. Defence pensioners can approach any of these offices (irrespective of where they reside or the agency from which they draw their pension) to know their correct entitlements through “Suvigya”. In case they are not being paid their pension as per entitlement, they may take up the matter with their Pension Disbursing Agencies.


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