Harmonization of fee payable under the Right to Information Act. 2005.

No.F. 1/5/2011-IR
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel. PG & Pension
Deportment of Personnel & Training

North Block. New Delhi
Dated April 26.2011


1. The Chief Secretaries of all States/UTs (except J&K)
2. The Registrars of oil High Courts
3. The Registrar of the Supreme Court

Subject:- Harmonization of fee payable under the Right to Information Act. 2005.


Sections 27 and 28 of the Right to Information Act. 2005 empower the appropriate Governments and the Competent Authorities to make rules to prescribe,inter-alia. the fees payable under the Act, In exercise of the powers. the Central Government. State Governments. High Courts etc. have notified rules. It has been observed that the fee prescribed by different appropriate Governments/Competent Authorities is at great variance.

2. The 2nd Administrative Reforms Commission has, in this regard recommended that the States should frame Rules regarding application fee in harmony with the Central Rules and ensure that the fee should not become o disincentive for using the right to information.

3. All the States/Competent Authorities ore, therefore. requested to kindly review their Fee Rules and to prescribe tee in consonance with the fee prescribed by the Government of India. A copy of the Right to information (Regulation of Fee and Cost) Rules, 2005 notified by the Government of India is enclosed for ready reference.

4. Kindly inform us of the action taken in this regard.

Yours faithfully

(K.G. Verma)
Tel. 2309 2158

More details – http://persmin.gov.in/WriteReadData/CircularPortal/D2/D02rti/1_12_2010-IR19052011.pdf

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