Level ‘A’ Training Programme at ISTM for U.D.Cs with 5 years’ approved service in the grade (18/04/2011 to 23/05/2011)

Most Immediate

No.08/02/2011 –CS.I(Trg)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
CS.I Training

Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the
5th April, 2011


Subject: Level ‘A’ Training Programme at ISTM for U.D.Cs with 5 years’ approved service in the grade (18/04/2011 to 23/05/2011).

The undersigned is directed to inform that UDCs, whose names are given in  Annexure I, have been nominated for the Level ‘A’ Training Programme conducted by  ISTM w.e.f. 18/04/2011 to
23/05/2011. It is requested that these officials may be relieved of their duties, subject to vigilance clearance and advised to report to Shri Parth Vasaniya,  Assistant Director (Co-ordinator) ISTM, Administrative Block, JNU Campus (Old), New Delhi-110067 at 9 A.M. on 18th April. 2011.

2. The performance of the officials in the training, as evaluated and reported by ISTM thereof, may be added in their APARs. No request for withdrawal of nomination either from the Ministry/Department or the officer concerned shall be entertained by this Department or the Institute. As the training of the officials and successful completion is necessary for promotion/regularization, the Cadre Units are requested to ensure that the officials nominated to the above programme are relieved in time.

3. As the aforesaid training includes study tour, officers nominated above may be advised to draw necessary TA/DA advance of Rs. 12,000/- each from their respective Ministry/Department. This amount may be released in Cash only.

4. Confirmation with regard to the participation of the officials along with their respective bio-data (Annexure-Il) may please be sent by 11 th April. 2011 to Shri Parth Vasaniya, Assistant Director

 (Co-ordinator), ISTM, New Delhi, with a copy to the undersigned. Shri Parth Vasaniya, Assistant Director (Co-ordinator) ISTM is accessible on phone No. 26185311 (0).

( Vidyadhar Jha)
Under Secretary to Government of India
Tele. : 24624046



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