The AICPI for all the 12 months are now published in Labour Bureau website. According to this Website the AICPI-IW for 12 months are given below.
Now the prediction and calculation over Dearness Allowance will come to an end. According to the All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers for the last 12 months, it is expected that the Dearness Allowance will be 51% from January 2011.As we expected earlier, additional 6% will be added to the existing D.A of 45%..Hence we can expect that 51% Dearness Allowance will be paid to all the Central Government Employees from January 2011, if so government decides. The Government may take a decision in this matter by the first week of March 2011.
Some of our viewers have raised the same question again and again in the comments forum that if D.A crosses 50% level whether it would be merged with D.A or not. It has been clarified that the D.A will not be merged with basic pay since it was not recommended by 6CPC.
But if the D.A crosses 50% level, some of the Allowances, which are compensatory in nature, will be raised by 25% as per the recommendation of 6CPC.
These Allowances are,
1. Children Education Assistance & Reimbursement of Tuition Fee
2. Advances for purchase of Bicycle Advacne, Warm clothing Advance, Festival Advance, Natural Calamity Advance
3. Special Compensatory Hill Area Allowance
4. Special CompensatoryScheduled / Tribal Area Allowance
5. Project Allowance
6. Speical Compensatory (Remote Locality) Allowance
7. Cycle Maintenance Allowance
8. Mileage for road journey all components of daily allowance on tour, rate of transportation of personal effects.
9. Rates of Conveyance Allowance under SR-25
10. Washing Allowance
11. Split Duty Allowance
12. Spl. Allowance for Child Care for Women with Disabilities and Education Allowance for disabled children
13. Cash Handling Allowance
14. Risk Allowance
15. Postgraduate Allowance
16. Desk Allowance
17. Bad Climate Allowance
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