RBE.No. 145/2010
dated 6.10.2010.
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways/PUs etc.
Subject : Rate of Monthly subscription and insurance cover under CGEGIS-1980 for erstwhile Group ‘D’ employees placed in PB-1, Grade Pay Rs.1800/- and classified as Group ‘C’.
Attention is invited to Ministry of Finance’s OM No.E7.(5)-EV/89 dated 15-05-1989 updating the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme-1980 (CGEGIS), circulated vide Board’s letter No.PC-III/89/GIS/I dated 19-09-1989.
2. Consequent upon implementation of recommendatins of 6th Central Pay Commission as accepted by the Government and issue of revised classification vide Board’s letter No. PC-VI/2009/I/RSRP/4 dated 08-01-2010, the issue of rate of recovery of monthly subscription and insurance cover under CGEGIS-1980 for erstwhile Group ‘D’ employees placed in PB-1, Grade Pay Rs.1800/-, have been under consideration in consultation with Ministry of Finance, the nodal Ministry for this purpose, for some time.
3. It has now been decided that subscription towards CGEGIS and insurance coverage to the erstwhile Group ‘D’ employees placed in PB-1 with Grade Pay Rs.1800 and classified as Group ‘C’ vide Board’s letter No. PC-VI/2009/I/RSRP/4 dated 08-01-2010 (RBE No.05/2010), may be enhanced @ Rs.30/- per month from 1st January of the next calendar year i.e. January-2011.
4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry.
5. Kindly acknowledge receipt.
(This disposes of Metro Railway’s letter No.MRTS/E.340/VIth PC dt. 28-04-2010)
(Hari Krishan)
Director Pay Commission II
Railway Board
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