RB/Estt. No. 81/2010
No.E(NG)I/2008/PM1/15 Vol.II
New Delhi, dated 07-06-2010
The General Managers(P)
All Indian Railways and Production Units.
(As per Mailing lists)
Sub : Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC-Merger of Grades-Revised classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts-Scheme for filling up of regular vacancies arisen on or after 01.09.2009.
Reference this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 03.09.2009 wherein it was indicated that scheme for filling up of vacancies arisen on or after 01.09.2009 will be issued in due course. It has been decided that following methodology may be adopted for filling up of promotional vacancies as may arise till 31.12.2011:-
2. As indicated in the letter of even no. dated 03.09.2009, the bench mark for promotion to the posts carrying the Grade Pay Rs.4200 on seniority-cum=suitability basis was prescribed as 6 marks while for posts with Grade Pay Rs.4600 & above, the benchmark was 7 marks. This was permitted as a one time relaxation in order to fill up the vacancies arisen upto 31.08.2009, after merger of grades due to implementation of 6th CPC recommendations.
2.1 Now it has been decided that the above mentioned benchmarks for filling up the vacancies arising upto 31.12.2011 will be 6 and 8 marks out of 15 for posts in Grade Pay Rs.4200 and Rs.4600 & above respectively wherever promotion is to be done on the basis of ‘Seniority-cum-suitability’.
2.2 All other conditions as indicated in letter dt.03.09.2009 shall remain unchanged.
Please acknowledge receipt.
Jt. Director Estt.(N)
Railway Board.
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