No. 33011/l(s)/2010-Estt(B)
Government of lndia
Mlnistry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 4″ May, 2010
Subject:- Working of Central Government offices in Mumbai in the context of the disruption of rail services in Mumbai- flexi-timing reg.
The undersigned is directed to say that in the context of disruption of rail services in Mumbai and the likely inconvenience to Central Government employees located in Mumbai in commuting from their residence to the work place and back, the following procedure may be adopted until the rail services are restored to normalcy:-
(i) The office timings in the respective offices shall be continued for those employees who are able to reach the oflice in time.
(ii) A lenient view may be taken for late comers.
(iii) The Government of Maharashtra has issued instructions that in order to facilitate transport arrangement for employees, the private companies may close their offices at 3.00 PM, public sector banks may close their offices at 4.00 PM and Government offices may be closed at 5.00 PM during the agitation period. These instructions may be complied with. Any further instructions issued by the Maharashtra Government in this regard, during the period of disruption, may also be followed.
2. All Ministries/departments are requested to bring the above procedure to the notice of their offices located in Mumbai for appropriate action.
(CA. Subramanian)
All Ministries/Departments, Government of India
Copy to: Chief Secretary, Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai.
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