The abbreviations used in the Manual may be read as follows :
A.G. | Accountant General. |
C.A.M. | Civil Accounts Manual. |
C.B.D.T. | Central Board of Direct Taxes. |
C.B.E.C. | Central Board of Excise & Customs. |
C.C.S. | Central Civil Services. |
C.G.A.(R&P) | Rules Central Government Account (Receipts & Payments) Rules 1983. |
C.G.E.G.I.S. | Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme. |
C.S. Rs. | Civil Service Regulations. |
C.T. Rs. | Central Treasury Rules. |
D.C.R.G. | Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity. |
D.D.O. | Drawing and Disbursing Officer. |
E.B. | Efficiency Bar. |
F.Rs. | Fundamental Rules. |
G.F. Rs. | General Financial Rules. |
G.O. | Gazetted Officer. |
G.P.F. | General Provident Fund. |
H.B.A. | House Building Advance. |
L.P.C. | Last Pay Certificate. |
L.T.C. | Leave Travel Concession. |
No. | Number. |
O.M. | Office Memorandum. |
P.A.O. | Pay and Accounts Office/Officer. |
P.P.O. | Pension Payment Order. |
R.B.I. | Reserve Bank of India. |
S.B.I. | State Bank of India. |
S.Rs. | Supplementary Rules. |
T.A. | Travelling Allowance. |
T.O | Treasury Officer. |
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