5th Meeting of Committee on Allowances constituted to examine the recommendations of 7th CPC
No. 7-3/2016-PCC
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi — 110001
Date: 01.11.2016
1. Shri R.N. Prashar,
Secretary General,
National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE),
7th Floor, North Avenue, PO Building,
New Delhi — 110001.
2. Shri. D. Theagarajan,
Secretary General,
Federation of National Postal Organization (FNPO),
T-24, P&T Atul Grove Road,
New Delhi — 110001.
3. Shri Shivkant Mishra,
Secretary general,
Bhartiya Postal Employees Federation (BPEF)
T-21 Atul Grove Road,
New Delhi – 110001
Sub : 5th Meeting of Committee on Allowances constituted to examine the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission regarding Allowances.
The 5th Meeting of the Committee on Allowances is scheduled to be held on 3rd November 2016 at 5.00 PM in Room No. 72, North Block, New Delhi under the chairmanship of Finance Secretary & Secretary (Expenditure). During the meeting the allowances relating to Department of Posts will be discussed.
2. In this context, the Implementation Cell, Department of Expenditure has requested to send the names of members of such recognized Associations who will present their views on the allowances recommended by the 7th CPC relating to Department of Posts in the meeting to be held on 03.11.2016. Accordingly, it has been decided to invite General Secretaries of all three federations to attend the said meeting.
3. It is therefore requested to kindly attend the 5th Meeting as scheduled on 03.11.2016 on allowances relating to Department of Posts.
Yours faithfully,
Director (Establishment)
Source – http://confederationhq.blogspot.in
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